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Do you ever see it? Yeah... in the mirror. Do you see it? That thing. Every time you stare at the mirror it's staring right back at you. You? Well, of course it's you. Can't you see it in your own eyes? Do you not recognize yourself? You can't? Maybe you don't truly know yourself, hmm? Come on, take a better look. Yeah, that's it, you see it. The insanity. You can see it smiling at you right? I can. It's even worse when there isn't proper lighting. It's just standing there, just like me, but with a twisted grin and a maniacal look in its eyes.

Most people can't see it... but it's there. Oh it's there alright. Waiting for you to break at some point or another and let it out of its cage in your mind. It's always smiling. That ear to ear grin that could scare anyone, no matter how intimidating they are. Some people don't even acknowledge its presence, others are aware of it, others even, let it loose on the world to wreak havoc and chaos. A human being at its most raw. A human being without its mask. It's frightening to think such a monster lives inside each and every one of us isn't it?

You know what's the worst part? You can almost never tell who's let it loose. It could be that guy behind the counter at your local supermarket, it could be that stranger you just apologized for bumping into, it could even be that nice old lady who lives in your building that takes her dog for a walk every morning. Frightening isn't it? Really makes you think twice about saying 'hi!' to that guy or girl you were going to meet for dinner tonight, huh? Bah, you probably don't care. But remember, he's always smiling...

Always waiting in its prison...

Just don't let it out...

You'll regret it...

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