Chapter 1

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A/n I'm so nervous. '/' means tinking "/" means speaking.Sorry if the story us cringe.

Tommy Pov:

Tommy was walking to the tundra to Technos house because dadza called a urgent family meeting so he had to go there.
' Ugh why has put me through all this fucking stiupid snow just for a family meeting? What could be so important that he gad me going through the tundra and just text me, tch.'

Tommy arrives at his older brother, Thechno, house.After 15 minutes of knocking on the pink haired male door, the door is finally open by no one else other than fucking Ranboo Beloved Underscore_.
'What. The. Fuck. Why is fucking boob boy here? Isn't this suppose to be a fucking sleepy boys inc family meeting? What in ever loveing name of lady prime is happening here? I swear to-'
"Ranboo how at the door?" Ask Ph-dad.
" Oh, is just Tommy d-Phil" Says Oreo boy after they almost call Phil dad.
"Tommy come in, we need to talk something very important right now." After Tommy hears Wilbur say that  he enters the house take his sneakers goes to sit in n the sofa next his idol and older brother ther Technoblade.

"Now that everyone is here, I have wonderful new for you my dear sons." Says dadza with joy very visible in his voice. Everyone expect Tommy seem to know already what oldza about to say wich frustrated him even more than the fact he had to go through the tundra with only a T- shirt, some randome shorts and a pair of sneakers. Tommy was brought back to reality by Technis monoton voice saying. "We are adopting Raboo dad we all know this already." 'What. The. Fuck.' Tommy then suddenly ask. " Wait wait wait, WHAT! Why no one told me that Ph-dad adopting Ranboob!" "It's Ranboo not Ranboob, Tommy." Correct Tommy, Ranboo.
"Oh well now you know, Toms." Says Wilbur to Tommy. 'Did they forget about me again ? Surely not, right? Right?' Tommy rail of thoughts got cut of by a pink haire  speaking. " You got a proplem with dad adopting Ranboo, Theseus?" Tommy rapidly replys with a half jocking tone. " No no no, I don't any problems with P-dadza adopting Ranboob as long you guys don'g replace me with boob boy." Tommys answer seem to satisfy everyone in the room.

After a long silent Tommy says. "It's getting late, I should go home now, see you later fuckers!" And with that Tommy gets out of Technos house.

~Time Skip~

When Tommy enters his front door, 2 little children jump on him, giving him a big bear hug while happily saying. " Mommy! " 
"Hey Shrourd and Clementine!" Tommy replys whit the same happyness in his voice.
" Let's go eat dinner chids." Tommy says as the children get of him and go to the kitchen, leaving their ,,Mommy'' behind.
Tommy loves his baby children.

A/n So sorry this chapter it's really short. I don't know if Phil, Wilbur and Techno will completely assholes or will realize their mistake.

514 Words

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