Chapter 3

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A/n Sorry if the plot line doesn't make sense.This is going to be a long chapter I think.

Tommys Pov( not the only one this chapter I think)

I was down the prime path because I had free as the chid were with Captain Puffy today as she offered to take care of them today as she say that I need a break and I look to tired.

"Yo Tommy over here!"I heard my name being called by someone. I look in the direction I heard my name being called and guess who I see? The Dream Team! I start going towards them as I say "Hey guys!" "Yo Tommy!" Says Sapnap. "Hi Tommy." Says George. "Hey Toms." Says Dream. "Hello Dream." I say purposely to annoy Sapnap and George. "Hey it's not fair! This is favoritism!" "Yea why do you only greet Dream and not us to?!" Shouted George and Sapnap just jokingly.
"Okey okey Hi Sappy nappy and Gogy." I in the same joking manner. "Thank you!" "Thanks." Reply Sapnap and George. "As much as this funny I feel left out." Says Dream and to be honest I personally almost forget that he was even here in the first place you know. "Right sorry Dweam." Says Gogy cus no one else beside him calls Dream, Dweam. " Anyway, why did you guys call me over here in the first place?" I ask because I don't see them hang out the minors really often. "We just want with the child you know." Responded Dream.' I mean a hang out with the Dream team doesn't sound to bad so I'll accept. "EI I'M NOT A CHIDL YOU FUCKING HOMELESS GREEN TELETUBY! And I will hang out with you 3." "EI I DON'T LOOK LIKE A TELETUBY AND I HAVE A HOUSE YOU GREMLIN CHILD!" Shouts Dream jokingly. "OH YOU BI-" Before I get to finish my sentence Sapnap interrupted me. "Both of you shut the fuck up so we can hang out already. Dream you know how much time we lose looking for Tommy the past mont so we could hang out with him." Says Sapnap whispering the last sentence but I still heard it. 'They were looking for me the past month so we could hang out? Why waste their time? Do they really care about me?' "Of course we do Tommy and it wasn't a waste of time." Says George. "Did I really say that out loud?"I ask. "Yeah you did."Responded Dream, and as soon as he finish his sentence Sapnap says. "Tommy of course we care about you, your our so-friend." 'Did sap almost said son? Whatever I will think about this later.' "Right, anyway what do you gays want to do?" I say. "How about a mining trip?" Ask Dream. "Sure/ Yeah/ Sounds good." Responded me, Gogy and Sap at the same time.

Time skip( I'm to lazy)

Dream Pov( You didn't see this coming did you? Also I promised another pov this chapter.)

Me, George, Sapnap and Tommy were the mining trip for over an hour at least. Surprisingly this mining trip it wasn't boring at all. In the most mining trips I do with George and Sapnap the und up very boring but this one wasn't and pretty sure it's because of Tommy. This chid had been either telling jokes or rambling the entire time. Me and the boys started seeing Tommy as a son for a while now and we are not sure if he see as his dad, I mean he really give us mixed signals but it's okey as long as we get to spend some time with him.

Also something fishy is going on with Tommy, he seems sad? Angry? Maybe hurt? I don't know man but whatever it is me, sap and gogs are going to help him get through. What I find weird with this situation is that for the past month no one has seen Tommy and we all were worried, plus not even Tubbo, Tommys best friend, and his family didn't heard know anything about what happened with him. Puffy was the only person that knew what the fuck he was doing and she won't tells anything other the fact that he us okey. And somehow Tommys self isolation started a day after the Minecraft family adopted Ranboo wich to weird to be just a coincidence and just thinking about Tommys family I get a bad vibe ngl.

Me and the rest of the dream team were so happy to see Tommy on the prime path that we barely manage to and I say we I mean me and George cus Sapnap just straight shouted for Tommy as soon as he seen him.Still, I think I will have to talk with Sapnap and George about the strange coincidence but thats for later for now I think I need to enjoy this mining trip with Sapnap, George and Tommy.

Time skip( also still dreams pov and the dream team are at the community house now)

As soon as me, George and Sapnap enter the community house front door I say. "We all can agree that something fishy is going on with Tommy and the Minecraft family, right?"
"Your right. Tommys self isolation and the adoption of Ranboo in the Minecraft family are to weird to be just coincidence."Said George.  "Wait wait wait, guys gays please don't say that the Minecraft family is replacing Tommy with Ranboo." Says Sapnap. "We were only thinking that the Minecraft family did something to upset Tommy very much but that their replacing him with Ranboo." I say still shocked from what Sapnap said. "That actually makes sense. I didn't know that you can do something called thinking Sap." Says George half joking. 'Now that Sapnap pointed that out it's actually makes sense. It's clear as the crystal that Tommy deserves a better family that loves him. Wait a second I have an idea!' "Guys I think I speak on the behalf of everyone in this room when I say Tommy needs a new family and crystal clear that the Minecrafts can't give him the love he deserves. So I was thinking why don't we just adopt him and share custody over him if accepts to be adopted by us." I told them. "Thats a really great idea Dream." Says George. "And I can talk to Big Q to make the adoption papers!" Exclaimed Sapnap. "Alright let's get to work than!" I told them happy that maybe Tommy would become officially our son.

A/n This chapter was longer than I expected.

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