Chapter 13

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A/n I'm planning on ending the book this week cuz I'm running out of ideas.

No ones pov 3rd person (I think you know who objected already)

3 very well known people by everyone in the server enter the Prime Church. "Objection!" Yells the brunette. "Wilbur, Technoblade and Philza fucking Minecraft..." Says Tommy. The 3 uninvited guests also know as Wilbur Soot, Techno Blade and Philza Minecraft have the typical angry Karen face. "Are you guys here to ruin our fucking wedding!" Tubbo yells angrily and by the tone of his voice you could tell he was royally( extremely) pissed.
"Nahhh, we're just to get more explication of why our little brother is disowning us a week before he is getting platonically married." Techno says to casually for my liking (Breaking the 4th wall? Why not!). "Oh my prime! Just go sit down so we can finish the wedding than after the party I will explain! Ok?" Tommy says clearly annoyed. The 3 uninvited guests sit down clearly embarrassed as the wedding continues. "Are there any objections?" Bad asks in a slightly threatening voice. After Bad asked the question there had been 5 minutes of silence before he declared. "Alright then, because there aren't any more objections I declare you 3 platonic husbands!" Bad says happily. Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy have a grup hug.

Time skip to the reception (the after wedding party)

Everyone was having a great time, while Tommy dragged Phil, Techno and Wilbur to the side to explain and answer their questions. "So why the fuck are you disowning us!" Wilbur yells. "You 3 were being assholes AND replace me with FUCKING
boob boy." Tommy says annoyed. "Fair enough, I tried telling this 2 dumb asses but they didn't listen to me and you had seen my
attempts to spend time with you." Technoblade says casually. "I guess you can get a second chance, BUT you're not forgiven YET. Techno can stay for the rest of the party, Wilbur and Phil you need to leave now-" Tommy says but gets interrupted by Techno saying. "-or I will personally drag you 2 out of the party." Without any more commentary Wilbur and Phil leave and the others continue enjoying the party.

Word count 377

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