Chapter 5

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A/n I love writing this chapters. My grandparents cat.

Tommy Pov

I just dropped the kids off at Sam and now I'm going at the place where we said we're going to meet at. I get at the place and realize that I get here first. Shit, I got here 30 minutes earlier. I guess I'm going to wait for half an hour now.

Time skip

Sapnap Pov( ay new pov)

Me, George and Dream get to the place that we decided to hang out with Tommy. At first we didn't see him but after 5 minutes I see him sleeping under a tree wich gets me to think that he get here earlier and fall asleep under that tree." Guys Tommy is asleep under a tree. I think he got here early and fall asleep. "I say pointing at the tree Tommy is sleeping under. " What do you guys think we should do? I mean we can't let him sleep under a fucking tree neither of us know for how long he been here." George tell us. " I say we bring him to our house and let both Puffy and Sam to know that he's with us" Says Dream. " I understand why should tell Puffy but why Sam?" I ask. " Because Sam cares about Tommy as much as Puffy." Answered Dream. " I'm going to text Sam and Puffy, Sapnap you carry Tommy and Dream you do nothing." Instructed us George.  As i pick up Tommy I realize that he's pretty light for his age. " Let's go now" Says Dream.

Time skip (at the Dream Team house)

Tommy Pov (I'm writing this shit on my phone, wich isn't very hard but it would be easier on my tablet and much easier if my first language was english)

I wake up in a unfamiliar room. "Oh Tommy your awake, you been asleep for quite some time." Says George in calm voice. "Hey George, wait a second... MY KIDS ARE STILL WITH SAM AND I DON'T KNOW FOR HOW MUCH TIME I WAS OUT?!" I ask panicked for my kids safety. "1. You have been asleep for 2 hours and 2. What do you mean by ,,my kids'' Tommy?" Tells me George. Before I could respond him Sapnap enter's the room and ask's. "Has Tommy wake up ye- Tommy you wake up finally how do you feel?" Again, before I could answer him, Dream also enter's the room and says. "Guys wath do we do, Philza, Techno, Wilbur, Ranboo, Tubbo and Micheal are demanding to see Toms because they his ,,family'' and until Tommy tell's them that he doesn't want to talk with them, they wouldn't go." Shit. "Where are they?" I ask. " What." Ask's Dream. " We can talk after I tell them to go. Okey?" I tell them. "They are at the front door." Dream says still shocked. I go to the front door, open it and before I could get to open my mouth Tubbo jumps on me. Hugging me he said. "Tommy! Are you okey?! Did they do something to you? If they did I swear to-" I interrupt Tubbo by saying. "King I'm okey, I fall asleep at the bottom of a tree because I got there before them, we were supposed to hang out there and they find me asleep and take me to their house because they don't know where I live and I only asleep for 2 hours so I'm good. I appreciate the concern but you can go home, I'm sure you're very busy and I promise I will hang out with you this week." I say answering all his unspoken questions. "Fine but if you ever pull something like this I'm going to personally drag your sorry ass to my house force you to live with me." Tubbo tells me. "Of course Tubs and if your going take the other 3 with you okey?" I say telling him to take Philza, Techno and Wilbur with him. "Sure bosman." He answered. " Alright lady's there's nothing to see here, Tommy said to go so scram everybody!" Tubbo yell's at Phil, Techno, Wilbur and Ranboo. I go back in the house and back to the room where I left Sapnap, George and Dream. By the look on their faces George told them about the kids part. " I need to go to Sam pick up something. I will explain everything to you 3 after that at my house. Okey?" I told them. After they share a look, Dream says."Alright. Sounds good. Lead the way."

When we get at Sam's house I knocked on the door. The door open and behind it was revealed a tired looking Sam and 2 very energetic children. Sam hands me the kids and close the door without saying a word.

When we get to my humble home I send the kids their room and than invite George, Dream and Sapnap to sit down on my couch. After we all sit down I say. "You guys have 1 question each." No one commented on the rules. George was the first one to speak. "Are they your kids?" I knew that question would come so quickly answered. "Yes they are and they are adopted." Dream was the next one to speak through the tension. "How did you end up adopting them?" I also kne that this question would be asked so again I answer pretty quickly. "Both found abandoned and injured in the forest." I say in the most emotionless voice I can do. Sapnap was the last one to ask his question. He had take a long breath before asking his question wich bring the tension in the room impossible higher. " Tommy, do you see us as your parental figure?" We all except Sapnap take a sharp breath. Sapnap face had the most serious I had seen on his face or on anyone else's face. "What." I ask still shocked from what he asked. I didn't expect this question at all. "Do you?" He asked with the most serious and monotonous. I looked down and the first thing I see is a stack of papers labeled ,,ADOPTION PAPERS''. Okey what the fuck are they trying to adopt me and if they do than my answer is yes. Sapnap ask me that to see if exists a chance of accepting. "If you guys want to adopt me than the answer is yes" I say smiling. "Great just sign here and here and finaly here." Sapnap says happy. "Welcome to the Dream Team son." Said George. "Thank you... dad's." I say smiling because I find my real family.

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