Chapter 8

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A/n This chapter is going to happen the day of the play date. Any of the fanart isn't mine unless I say so. I can't draw shit to be honest.

Tubbo pov.

Me, Ranboo and Michael are at Tommys house. I got to meet Tommys kids( maybe me and Ranboos future step kids). Their names are Shroud and Clementine. Shroud is a spider hybrid with spider features, black hair and red eyes. He is shy with the people that he doesn't know very well but he becomes very chaotic if you get to know him better, also he likes to wear skirts and has short hair. Clementine is a moth hybrid with purple moth wings and antennas, dirty blonde hair and purple eyes. She is extremely rude to to the persons that she doesn't know but extremely sweet to the people she is close to, she never wears skirts or dresses and has her hair length to her shoulders and she wears it in a high ponytail.

Tommy was playing with the kids upstairs, in their bedroom, meanwhile Tubbo and Ranboo were in the living room with Sapnap, Dream and George.

Time skip( one half an hour)

I decided to ask for the Dream Teams permission for me and Ranboo to marry Tommy. "Sapnap, Dream and George, me and Ranboo have a very important question for you 3." I say. "And this question of yours is?" Asks Dream. "Me and Tubbo are wondering if we could ask Tommy to platonically marry us." Ranboo says extremely serious. "It's about time you ask bitch!" Sapnap exclams. "What?" I ask. Did they already knew that me and Ranboo want to marry Tommy? My thoughts were interrupted by George saying. "What Sapnap actually mean was that we can't always be with Tommy so he needs someone to have his and force him to eat 3 meals a day and sleep at least 8 hours at night or in generally make gim take care of himself. So our answer is yes. "Thank XD! Me and Boo are planning to propose to Tommy before we leave." I say. I was glad that they accepted, to be honest I hadn't think about what to do if they say no. "Great! George can you go ask Tommy if he wants to play True or dare with because I'm pretty sure that the kids can play without being supervised, don't you think?" Dream asks George. "Yeah sure." Response George as he's going upstairs.

Time skip(when Tommy and George come down)

(Also I'm watching Tubbos factory day stream)

Nobody 3rd person pov

Once they all got positioned in a circle. Tommy asks. "Sooo? Who's going to start?" "I start!" Sapnap yelled like a little kid. "Yeah, sure." George answered. "Okey than! Dream true or dare?" Sapnap asks. "True." He answered. "Okey than pussy. Is it true that you and Techno are actually friends and not rivals?" Sapnap asks. "Friends!" Dream says proudly. "Anyways, Tommy true or dare?" Dream asks Tommy. "I'm no pussy unlike Dream so I choose dare." Tommy says. "Okey okey than, I dare you to type 'Georgenotfound, Sapnap and Dreamwastaken adopted me.' because I want to see their reaction." Dream says. "Ugh fineee." Tommy says. Tommy logs on the global Dream SMP group chat and types in what Dream had told him to type. The others also open the Dream SMP global group chat to see the other people reaction.

Dream SMP Global Chat

(Tommyinnit): Georgenotfound, Sapnap and Dreamwastaken had adopted me bitchas.
(Captain Puffy): Congratulations Tommy!
(Tommyinnit):Thank you Captain Pussy.
(Tommyinnit): Puffy*
(Awesamdude): Congrats Tommy! I knew you would finally find a family that isn't assholes like Phil, Wilbur and Techno.
(QuackityHQ): Sap when were you gonna tell me and Karl that Tommy become our son?
(Sapnap): I forgot sorry babes...
(Karl Jacobs): It's okey Sappy!!!
(Skeppy): Nr. 1 the fiance trio stop deffo flirting and nr. 2 congrats Tommy, your oficial become mine and Bads grandson. :)

(Bad and Skeppy are Sapnaps parents in this story)

(Tommyinnit): Well hi to you grandpa Skeppy.
(Badboyhalo): Of all the people that could Sapnap adopt it had to be you.
(Tommyinnit): Be prepared to get your ass curse off at family gatherings GRANDPA.
(Badboyhalo): LANGUAGE.
(Wibur Soot): Are we gonna ignore the fact that the Dream Team adopted MY little brother.
(Nikki Nichau): Yeah, we are.
(Technoblade): Theseus explain.
(Georgenotfound): We ask Tommy if he is okey with us adopting him and he had said yes.
(Tubbo_): Tommy look down please.

Tommy pov

I look down and see Tubbo and Ranboo on one knee. "Tommy Theseus Careful Danger Craken Innit Minecraft would you like to become Tommy Theseus Careful Danger Craken Innit Beloved Underscore." Tubbo says. "What Tubbo mean us that, would you like to marry us?" Asks Ranboo. "Yes, yes a million times yes you idiots!" I yell happily. I jump on them and hug them. "Hey guys can I say about this in the global chat?" I ask. "Sure Toms." Ranboo answered. I log to the global chat again.

Dream SMP Global Chat

(Tommyinnit): Guess whos gonna get married to Ranboo and Tubbo platonically?

(Once the Dream team adopted Tommy that means that Ranboo and Tommy stopped being legally siblings because the sbi adopted ranboo)

(Captain Puffy): Congratulations!!!
(Awesamdude) Congrats.
(QuackityHQ): Karlos!!! We become fathers and fathers-in-law in the same day!!!
(Karl Jacobs): I know right!!
(Jack Manifold): Ladies ladies your all pretty and congrats Tommy.
(Badboyhalo): OMG I wish I had seen it :(
(Sapnap): Don't worry dad I recorded the whole thing.
(Badboyhalo): Thanks Sappy!!!
(Sapnap): No problem dad :)
(Philza): What is happening anymore?
(Nikki Nichau): A lot Phil, a lot.
(Philza): Okey than?

Ranboo pov

I'm glad that that Tommy said yes. "Well, guys it's getting late so I was thinking that me, Tubbo and Michael would stay over and we could tell them about the marriage tomorrow?" I ask. "Sounds good" Says George. "I will go tell the kids." Says Tommy. Sapnap ends up showing me and Tubbo our room.

A/n I have no idea how many chapters this book would end up with.

1028 words.

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