Chapter 9

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A/n I'm so happy that Tubbo is in the QSMP!!! Tubbo just fits perfectly in to the QSMP. I'm trying to make the chapters as I can. Any fanart that you see here ISN'T mine. I can't draw shit.

Shroud pov( the first child pov I think? The pov starts the they propose)and fall asleep wh

I'm so happy that Michael is staying the night at our house. Me and Michael get in my bed while Clementine got in her bed and immediately fall asleep.

Time skip( the next day)

I got wake up by Michael and Clementine shaking me. "Shroud you dumbass wake up, Mom made breakfast and Boo, Bee, Michael and grandpas Sapnap, George and Dream you bitch." I instantly wake up, grab Michaels and Clementines hands and run down the strairs and sit in my sit at table and say. "Good morning mom and others."

Time skip (when they all start eating breakfast.)

Michael pov (for a second I forgot that Clementine exists)

We were eating breakfast, than suddenly mo- Tommy said." Kids, me, Ranboo and Tubbo have to tell you something." He says clearly nervous." Okey, is it bad or good?" I ask. "It's nothing bad we promise." Answered Boo (Ranboo)." At least not from our prospective." I hear Bee (Tubbo) mutter. "Than what it is!" Asks Shroud excited, most likely didn't hear what Bee (Tubbo) muttered. "Well... me and Ranboo asked Tommy to platonically marry us and he said so you 3 would become siblings." Bee (Tubbo) says so casual, like it's a everyday thing to find out that your are platonically marring someone. "FINALLY!" Screams Clementine.

Tommy pov (should I make a fanfic about Q! Tubbo?)

The kids seem to accept us and I'm glad. "Hey guys, I have some businesses in Las Nevadas does anyone want to come with me?" They all said no except Sapnap who asks." Who os in charge of Las Nevada, plus I promised Karl that I will go look for Quackity." Wait a second, aren't Sapnap, Karl and Quackity fiancés? How come they don't know that big Q is in charge of Las Nevada? "Well Sapnap, Big Q is the president of Las Nevadas." I say. "Your joking. Your just saying that to make cone with you." Sapnap says surely not believing me." Nope, come and see for yourself than." I say. "Fine than, let's go." He answered.

Time skip (when they enter Las Nevada)

3rd person pov.

Sapnap and Tommy enter Las Nevada. Sapnap couldn't believe his eyes. His fiancé built all of this, but why didn't Quackity tell him and Karl? "Sap let's go see Quackity and maybe after we are done you could get a tour of the country by the president himself." Says Tommy." Yeah we shou-" Sapnap get interrupted by another voice saying." Tommy Theseus Careful Danger Craken Innit Minecraft." The voice also known as Wilbur Soot Minecraft says. "It's not Minecraft for long, soon is going to be Beloved Underscore bitch , get that in empty head dickhead." Tommy says irritated." What? Are you marring Tubbo and Ranboo or something?" Wilbur asks sarcastically." Platonically yes and you got a problem with that?" Tommy says angrily. "When even did they propose to you?!" Wilbur asks shocked. Before Tommy could answer another voice is heard. "Oi! Who are you harassing now Wilbur!" The new person, Quackity angrily yells. "Duckling!" Shouts Sapnap excited to see his fiancé. "Hey pandas!" Quackity says as he hugs his fiancé. "Tommy, does Wilbur bother you 2?" Quackity asks Tommy. "Yep." Tommy answers. "Fundy! Kick Wilbur out of the country!" Quackity yells. "Guys how about we continue this lovely chat in my office?" Quackity asks. Both, Sapnap and Tommy say yea.

Time skip (I decided that in this book, Sam would be George and Quackitys father.)

Sapnap pov

As we enter Quackitys office I start wondering why he hasn't told me and Karl about this. After we all get sited down I ask. "Q why didn't you tell me and Karl about this?" "You guys seem so busy with kinoko kindom so I didn't want another burden on your shoulders, plus my nightmares with Schlatt, Glatt kinda make me question our relationship and Wilbur keeps trespassing and trys pissing me off to let him into my the country that I didn't have time to think about telling you guys." The duck hybrid answered. "Duckling you should had told us about all of this ok?" I say. One of Quackitys problems is that is way to stubborn for his own good also he never asks for help but me and Karl love him.
"Stop flirting you 2 and Big Q me and Sap aren't here for you to flirt with Sap. We come because I have some business with you." Tommy says uninterested. I kinda forgot that he was here. "Right, so why are you here." Quackity says in serious voice. "Marriage papers." Tommy says also in a very voice. "Okey, but call Tubbo and Ranboo so you 3 could sign the papers." Quackity says.

Time skip (After Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo finish the papers)

Still Sapnaps pov

The 3 minors just left, and I decided to text Karl and tell where me and Quackity are.

You whisper to Karl Jacobs: Karl come to Las Nevadas Casino, me and Quackity are waiting for you at the entrance.
Karl Jacobs whispers to you: OMW!!!!!!!!

Time skip (when Karl gets to the casino)

Quackity pov

After Karl got to the casino I bring them to my office. Once we got to my office I explain to Karl why I didn't tell them about Las Nevada, than I given them a tour of Las Nevada. After the tour we go to my house in Las Nevada and end the cuddling with each other.

A/n Sorry that I post this chapter late.

984 words.

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