Chapter 6

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A/n should I add the business bay later in the story( I miss the business bay if you can't tell.)? Sorry if the plot is too confusing or is going too fast. If you have any suggestions, questions or criticism for my book I would happily take them in consideration. If you have any ideas for further chapter just tell me because I literally write this chapters on the the moment without even knowing what I will write in the next chapter. Sorry if it doesn't make sense or the a/n is too long.

Tommy Pov

It has been a week since I got adopted by the Dream Team. I'm still surprised about how well my new parents are getting along with my kids. I still remember their first official meeting.


"Shroud, Clementine meet my new parents aka your new grandparents. I'm going to leave you guys with them for a few hours okey?" I told my children. " Okey mommy! Me and Clem will behave!" Shroud says as Clementine nod's her head. Than I go to Sapnap, George and Dream than told them. " I'm going on a mining trip with Tubbo and I will be back in a few hours. Do you think you can handle them for a few hours, at most a day?" "We got this, don't worry Tommy." Said George. "Okey than. I'm off to the Snowchester before Tubbo comes here to drag my ass personally." I told my new 3 dad's as I leave the house.

Time skip.

I just got back from the mining trip with Tubbo. I'm surprised that my is still here and not a pile of ashes, knowing Sapnap and his history of accidentally starting fires. The house also was incredibly quiet. I walk in to the kids bedroom and I find my 2 kids and 3 parents sleeping in the kids king size bed.

(end of flashback)

George Pov (This chapter will more flashbacks, also I was thinking if I should do Tubbos, Ranboos or anyone from the sbi[ minus Tommy] pov in the next chapter.)

I can't believe that it had been a week since me, Sapnap and Dream adopted Tommy and had officially meet his kids. The first time when we 3 had babysit them was really chaotic.


Tommy had just left to go on a mining trip with Tubbo so me and my 2 idiotic best friends are in charge of the house and to take care of Tommy, children named Clementine and Shroud for the next few hours. "Hey kids what type of hybrid are you guys?" I ask the 2 small children. "I'm a spider hybrid and Clem is a moth hybrid. She is also very shy!" Exclaimed Shroud, happily. "Well, me and my blonde friend over here are humans mean while my black haired friend, named Sapnap is a blaze hybrid!" I told the kids. " Wow! This is so cool/ awesome!" Said Shroud and Clementine at the same time. "Me and my 2 friends over here are your new grandparents, okey?" I told the children as I expected that Tommy didn't tell them. I just realized how quiet Sapnap and Dream were. " You 3 wouldn't neglect mommy like Phil, Wilbur and Techno did right?" Ask's Clementine.

(No hate to the actually content creators. I'm sure their lovely in real life.)

The question had caught me off guard so before I could open my mouth to answer Clementine's question Sapnap says. "Nah, we are nothing like that 3 arseholes did! After that Dream had said. "Clementine why don't you go to paint with George and Shroud why don't you play hide 'n sike with me and Sapnap. We all agree.

(Time skip[ I will try to published a chapter at least once every weekend])

Me, Sapnap and Dream have been playing with the little ones for a few hours and they were very tired. " Alright kids, it's bed time." Says Dream.

After Shroud and Clementine finish getting ready for bed they asks me and the 2 idiots that I call frieds. And this is how 3 grown ass mans and 2 children end up sleeping in the same king size bed

(end of flashback)

Tommy pov( I need to stop switching the pov)

My discussion with Tubbo is still in my mind.


I get to the place where me and Tubbo are supposed to meet up. Normally we would have just meet at his mansion in the Snowchester but I don't want to accidentally run into Ranboo after what happened at my house and the Dream Team's place because that most likely would be pretty awkward you know... so yeah. Out of the sudden I got tickled down by no one else other than Tubbo fucking Underscore Beloved( Tubbo and Ranboo are platonic married for tax benefits and nothing more.) "Hey Tubzo are you ready for the mining trip?" I ask the shorter man. "Yup, also I need to talk to you about something important." The bee lover had said. "Oh, okey. Is this why you ask me to go on a mining trip with you? So you could speak to privately while we spend some time together like the good old days?" I ask the older but shorter male. "You guess it boss man" Answer's me, my brunette best friend.

(Time skip to the mines)

Once we got to the mines, we stat mining. After a few minutes Tubbo breaks down the silence. "Boss man I have some questions for you that I would like you to answer." He says, seriousness visible in his voice. "Ask away that Tubzo." I say nervous. "Okey than... Question nr. 1 What's your relationship with the Dream Team?" Ask's Tubbo. "They adopted me about a week ago, also your the first one to know about this. Puls right now they are babysitting my children." I say with no emotions in my voice. "Wait a second... You have KIDS?!" Tubbo yell's, but not a angry yell and more like a surprised yell. "Yeah and we could arrange a play date for our kids so you could meet them!" I say smiling. "That sounds great, also my question nr. 2. Is the Minecraft family really replacing you?" My childhood best friend ask's. "Yes..." I answer with sadness showing in my tone. "I knew it!" He mumbles to himself. "Alright. Last question, question nr. 3. Do you still go to Captain Puffys therapy?" Tubbo ask's. "Of course I do, Toby." I say. "Very good than." My nuke obsessed best friend say's.

(Time skip again. After they finish their mining trip.)

Me and Tubbo were about to part ways, but Tubbo says. "The play date is the next week right?" "Yea, it is. Plus it is at my house and Dream, George and Sapnap would most likely also be there." I answer. "Okey than. Bye bye raccoon!" Says Tubbo. "Bye bye Bee boy." I say back.

(End of flashback)

I can't wait for the kids play date with Michael.

A/n I will try to post a chapter at least every weekend. I  give you 3 flashbacks for the same period of time just different povs. Also I don't think I will do trigger warnings. Pyro duo and phoniex duo are the same( they both are duo names for Sapnap and Tommy.)

1226 words.

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