Chapter 13

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(Best Song Ever By One Direction)

Foolish's Pov


I walked out of the bar, feeling too upset to be in there. She wanted time to think, and I just wanted her in my arms. I know that part of her was pushing me away, but I also knew that I needed to give her space to think.

Overall I'm in a lose lose situation. And ever since we kissed, I've been falling deeper consumed with her. She has become my everything, and it's bad. It's bad because at the end of the day, she might not want me.

I walked into Sam's house after driving over. Everyone's cars were outside, parked in the driveway and on the street. I opened the door, greeted with many screams of excitement.

"Look who the cat dragged in!" Selina screamed, running up to me and jumping on my back.

"Onward peasant!" She screamed, and I started to run around the room. Tommy took out his phone and started laughing.

"My turn!" Iris yelled, after I put Selina down. I did the same thing with Iris and she laughed.

"You're gross." Iris looked up at Dream and said. He was wearing a green shirt, and green shoes.

"I'm sorry." Dream apologized and Iris rolled her eyes.

"You're not with your lover?" Skylar joked and I flipped her off.

"She's not my lover." And there was no lie. Eryn wasn't my lover, even though I badly wanted her to be.

"Like I said, give it a week." Daytona was sitting on the floor, playing with Iris who was so in love with her.

"You're pretty." Iris looked up at Daytona who just laughed. This was probably the fifth time she's said it to her.

"Thanks. You're a cutie too." Iris turned, pointing at dream.

"He's not." Everyone started laughing and i felt myself finally getting my mind off of Eryn. She's had me in a choke hold, and I haven't spent a single day without thinking about her.

"It's so nice having everyone under one roof." Ranboo said, everyone agreeing.

"I hate it." Techno said, from the couch.

"You're so cool!" Iris ran up to Techno, and he looked over at Belle with a 'help me' written all over his face.

"Thanks." He looked down at her, she held a proud smile before going back over to Daytona.

"Let's all make bets, how long it will take for Foolish and Eryn to get together." Selina yelled, getting everyone's attention. She was so much like Tommy it was terrifying, and the two of them together made me crazy.

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