Chapter 2

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(Seven By Taylor Swift)

Eryn's Pov

TW- Talk Of Abuse

"E! Stop running from me!" He laughed as he chased me down the beach. I laughed as I ran down the beach, wind in my red hair. The sand created holes from where I once ran. His strides got louder causing me to laugh more.

"When I reach you, you're gonna kiss the sand!" He screamed jokingly, causing me to laugh even more.

His arms wrapped around me as he picked me up off of the ground. I let out a squeal, and laughed while he smiled down at me. He lifted my hand and kissed the ring, sitting on my ring finger.

"I can't wait to marry you, Eryn Blake." The small diamond caught my eye. I smiled up at Eric. This is what I wanted. Right?

"Happy Birthday, to the most beautiful girl in the world!" He picked me up, putting me over his shoulder as he walked back down the beach.

"One more year and I will be able to drink!" Eric laughed at my comment, before putting me down.

"One more month and I'll be able to drink." He bragged, causing me to roll my eyes. I sat down in my chair, as my dad sat down next to me.

"Hey Smokey." He kissed my forehead and I smiled at him.

This is exactly where I was supposed to be. Well. It was.

Until it wasn't.

"Ma'am. I'm so sorry." The two men stood in my doorway. One holding an American Flag, which was neatly folded into a triangle. The other one was holding a dog tag. The dog tag hung down from a chain. Picking up the chain in my hand. The fingerprint of the man I loved so much.

Carlos Blake.

I looked back up to both of the officers, tears filling my eyes.

"No! No! This can't be happening! I'm supposed to get married in a month! He's supposed to be here!" Once the tears started, they did not stop. They didn't stop as those men held me in their arms as I mourned my father.

"There was a training accident." I just cried, and cried. When they left me with the flag and his dog tag, I cried more. And I cried.

I cried until I was so numb I couldn't cry anymore. 

I cried until my neighbors called the cops thinking I was being hurt. 

I cried when I told the cops what happened. 

I cried when the cops held me in their arms. 

I cried when I put his flag next to my mothers police badge.

 I cried when I took my engagement ring off.

 I cried when Eric came home and I told him that my dad was dead. 

I cried when he didn't cry.

 I cried when he told me to get over it. 

I cried when I called off the wedding. 

I cried at the funeral, looking at my dads casket. 

I cried when Eric didn't show. I cried when they lowered him down next to my mother.

I cried when I got home that day and saw Eric on the couch with his friends. 

I cried when he yelled at me. 

But I never once cried, when that man laid a hand on me.

The moment I found out that my father had died, was the moment a piece of me died with him. I put all the money I got from him away into a savings account, never wanting to touch it. That's all that I had left from him.

"I can't stay in Florida anymore, Eric. It hurts to be here."

"I don't give a shit." The beer bottles littered the floors of my once bright shining house. Now it was dull, and felt that at any moment it was going to crash and burn.

The tears filled my eyes again once more as I looked around at the house that was once my entire life.

"You're a terrible person." My voice came out in a whisper, pushing the red flyaways out of my face.

"Excuse me?" Eric stood up, looking down at me.

"You're a terrible person! My father died, and you've done nothing but tear me apart!" The burning sensation filled my eyes as I tried to not cry. Eric kept his hands in his pockets and just smiled at me.

"Your father died a year ago, E. Get over it." He turned his back and walked away from me.

So I laid in my bed. For months. I didn't take care of myself. And everything always came with the abuse. It didn't matter if my father was dead. It didn't matter if I was upset. He just wanted me to shut up.

And I guess I didn't love myself enough to leave. 

800 Words 

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