Chapter 19

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(F U Anthem By Leah Kate)

Eryn's Pov

TW - Fighting & Blood

"What the hell did you just say?" I turned around, Noah holding my arm.

"Your parents would be disappointed in you." I walked closer to him, the bar now getting so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Did you know that when you got arrested, I set your clothes on fire, I keyed your car, I smashed your mothers favorite vase, and I threw your Xbox in the tub full of water?" I could see the anger bubble on his face.

"You know because that's all you've ever cared about." I pushed my finger into his chest, as he smacked me across the face.

I punched him across the face, and the screams in the bar started to sound out the entire bar.

"You're such a sick bastard!" I screamed, grabbing his shirt and punching him across the face again.

"Beat his ass, Eryn!!" Rylee screamed, and Julie clapped, and whistled.

Everything that Eric Sweeney has ever put me through, is finally coming back. Karma never felt so good. 

"Why the fuck did I even date you, your not even rich or handsome!" He fell to the floor shielding his head, and I didn't care.

The blood ran down my face, and my knuckles were bruised and bloody.

"You get him, Sweetheart!" One of the old male, regulars yelled, and I felt so powerful.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as the sirens beamed loud into my head. The doors busted open, and I was being pulled off of Eric in one swift motion.

"Hey little lady, nice to see you again. Did you find your engagement ring?" The officer said to me, as he put my hands behind my back, and cuffed them.

"Nope!" I smiled up at him, as he turned me to face the other way, as they got Eric up.

"She's having a big temper tantrum." Eric pleaded with the officers, who were also cuffing him.

"Oh fuck you!" I screamed, before being pushed up against the bar.

I looked over at Noah, who just shook his head. A ghostly smile was threatening his lips, but he made no move to intervene when I was beating the shit out of Eric.

"We were supposed to get married!" Eric screamed, the police, cuffing him and standing him up.

"Maybe you should've thought before you almost beat me to death!" Julie looked at me with a giant smile on her face, trying to wipe the blood from my face, but the officer didn't let her near me.

"We need another car at the scene, two suspects, male and female, bar fight."

"Your mugshot is gonna be beautiful!" Noah said, trying to come closer to me, but the officer put his arm out.

"You're under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. If you can not afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights?"

"Yes sir."

And there I was, being escorted out of my own bar, in handcuffs, face all bloody, looking like I just killed someone.

People whistled as I walked out, and people laughed. Eric got what he deserved, and I think everybody knew that. 

538 Words 

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