Chapter 1

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     Heavy. As strong as I am, all I feel is, heavy. It feels like someone is pulling me by the shoulders, standing on my chest and stomach, has tranquilized my legs. It feels like someone as slapped me across the face and scratched my eyes out...

     "Kara! It's time for school! Up! Up! Up! Wakey wakey eggs and baccey!" Jeremiah calls from downstairs in a singsong like voice. I groan as role over on my mattress, not wanting to get out of bed. "Kara! Come on! You're going to be late if you don't get up now! You know you like to waste time!"

     "Ok, I'm getting up, jeez." I called back to him. I lay on my bed for another 15 minutes before actually getting up. I do my usual morning ritual, change my clothes, brush hair and teeth, put on deodorant, figure out where the hell I put my backpack, put shoes on. I go downstairs where I see Jeremiah, Eliza had already gone to work.

     "Good morning sweetheart!" Jeremiah says as his usually happy self. "I hope you slept well, do you want me to drive you to school or do you want to take the bus? Do you want something to eat?"

     "I think I'll just walk." I responded.

     "No, you'll be late. Knowing you, you'll either get lost or just not go, so no. I'll drive you, how does that sound?" He says to me as he washes a glass.

     "Fine, whatever." I just rolled my eyes.

     "What would you like to eat? I made toast with jelly and some eggs? Would you like those?"

     "No, I'm not hungry."

     "Are you sure? You haven't really been eating lately...eggs aren't aborted chicken embryos and bread isn't baked mushed up grass. Seeeee, Earth food is yummy come on!" He says to me, pushing the toast closer to me.

     "No, It's fine." I say in a more stern voice.

     "Ok, fine then. Well, lets get going to school." He grabs his keys, we walk to car. On the way to school, he listens to his usual morning talk shows on AM radio.

     "Who even goes to AM? I think you're the only one." I said, looking at him.

     "A lot of people Kara, lots of people." Jeremiah responds. We arrive to school a few minutes later. I get out of the car. I look around, I notice that my friends were already there. They were at their usual morning spot, near the beginning of the stairs on the far right. "Alrighty Kara, do you want me to pick you up after school?"

     "I don't know, I guess I'll see what my friends are doing."

     "Well, text me after school. Have a great day sweetheart!" He's about to drive away, but he looks at me with a soft smile. "I glad you found your people." Jeremiah finally drives away. I start to walk towards my friends, then that, heavy feeling came back. Well, it was already there but it worsened. I raise my hands to the sides of my upper arms. I start to dig my nails into them. I wince as the cloth from my jacket touches more of the still raw flesh from past scratching. Being here. School. Brought me such, dread. I don't like it here. I like seeing my friends. People that finally seem to kind of get me, that kind of like me, but being here, it hurt. My breathing deepened. I feel like I am floating, but sinking. I feel like I am in nothing, atom-less free world. I feel as if...

     "KARA! Get over here you goofball!" Barbra calls from afar. You start to walk over there again. You meet them at the spot. Barbra looks at and starts speaking again. "Omg Kara, there you are! Why were you standing over there like a weirdo? Anyways, we were talking about what happened in the Central the other day and-"

     "We were talking about the new threat we encountered the other day when we were patrolling." Diana interrupted in a quieter voice.

     "I thought we don't talk about the 'super' stuff we do after school at school?" I questioned.

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