Chapter 2

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I stand in the bathroom for a while. Heavy. I want this feeling to go away. Why do I always feel this way? I stand there, kind of hugging myself. I can't breathe. I hate myself, I really do. I gather myself together and I eventually leave the stall, to see Leslie sitting on the counter. "Need a tampon?" she smirks.

"No, do you need one Leslie?"

"No, I asked if you needed one, dum dum."

I groan. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. You obviously didn't need a tampon cuz your feet didn't move from underneath the door the whole time you where in there and I pretty much followed you to the bathroom so I was here the whole time."

"Oh my fucking god, why are you so weird? Why did you follow me to the bathroom weirdo?"

"Well I needed to piss, but watching you is much more amusing."

"Oh so pissing is amusing to you? Weird."

"You get what I mean. So what where you doing in there?"


"Well obviously. I didn't hear any movement. Heck, I don't even think I heard you breathe. So were you contemplating suicide or something? Ya gonna shoot up the school?"

"Fuck off Leslie." I start to walk out of the bathroom. I still feel, heavy. I feel as if someone is pulling my spine, setting my legs on fire...

"Kara?" Someone pulls on my shirt, it is Karen. "Are you ok? You look sick...I came to check on you." She looks very worried. She reaches for my hand, but I pull away.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just...tired, I guess."

"You keep saying that you're 'fine', but you're not. Jessica wants to talk to you after school." Karen looks up at me. "It's ok to not be ok, you know. You've been acting so different lately, so depressed. We care about you, we really do. You're our 'sister'" She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You guys care about me?"

"Of course we do, Kara. A lot of people care about you. Why would you think we wouldn't?" She says, looking even more worried.

"I don't know..." I respond in a murmured voice. "I'm also not emo. Karen."

"Being sad doesn't make you...never mind." She pulls at her side hairs. "Just meet Jessica at the football stadium. She'll be on the bleaches. Karen starts to walk away. She turns back at me. "I'll see you later, bye Kara." She waves and starts to head to what ever class she has. I just wonder the halls for a few minuets. I don't want to go to class. I just walk until a administrator tells me to get to class.

School ended for the day. I can't wait to leave. I get a text from Jessica. I'm sure Karen talked to you. Meet me at the stadium, I'll be at the bottom bleachers on the left. We can meet the others at Sweet Justice after 😄. I start to walk the the stadium, dreading every step. I remember to text Jeremiah.

I'm going to Sweet Justice with my friends after school. He texted back a thumbs up emoji. I continue to meet Jessica. I arrive after a few minutes later. I see Jessica. I want to turn back, but I'm here so there is no turning back now. I start to walk more slowly to her. Jessica eventually sees me. She waves with a smile on her face. I walk more quickly to words her. Let's just get this over with, I think to myself. I eventually meet her.

"Hey Kara! Here have a seat." She speaks brightly. "How are feeling?"

"I'm ok, I guess." I respond, scratching the back of my neck. I sit down.

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