Chapter 3

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     Not again, god dammit, I think to myself. The city is covered in the same, thick, gray smog. I'm not fucking doing this again. I fly higher to get a better glimpse. The smog basically covered most of the central part of the city. I remember to use my vision this time. The smog isn't not totally visible, even with my vision. It's pretty much translucent. I have a feeling that someone did this on purpose, I think to myself again. I fly back down to meet both teams.

     "Did you see anything, Supergirl?" Wonder Woman asked.

     "Not much, I have a feeling that the smog has some lead in it or something? I can't see through lead."

     Batgirl took out her computer thingy and quickly found a way to test the air. "Yep, Supergirl is right. There is a significant amount of lead in the air." She scratched her head. "That's strange, when I tested the air last time, and there wasn't any lead. Then why couldn't you see last time Supergirl? Or maybe you-"

     "We have to get everyone out of here!" Female Green Lantern cut in. "The lead is dangerous. We've lost enough people to the explosions, we can't lose more people to the lead in the air!"

     "It seems to disappear once the 'thing' disappears. I can help get people to safety, my suit is safe from the lead." Bumblebee flies off.

     "I'm safe with my magic, I'll help." Zatanna nods and goes after her.

     "I can help too." Wonder Woman stepped in. "I have stronger lungs. Supergirl, I'm pretty certain you're safe. What about everyone else?"

     "Green Lantern and I are safe thanks to the rings." Female Green Lantern pointed out. "Everyone else is at risk."

     "Ok, everyone else, go back to the head quarters and try to figure out things there." Wonder Woman directed.

     "But...but-" Batgirl looked disappointed.

     "No 'buts', I don't need my sisters and brothers getting hurt as well." They continue to argue with Wonder Woman for another minute. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. GO! PEOPLE ARE DYING." They eventually left after she yelled. The rest that were able to stay, we started to search the area. Bumblebee and Zatanna got majority of the people out of proximity except for a few stragglers. "Now it is time to face the threat head on." Wonder Woman turned towards the smog.

     Heavy, as it was. I don't want to go. I don't want them to know. I did look last time. I don't want to do this again with him. I just want this to end...We enter the smog. I try to use my vision the best I can.

     "Do you see anything, Supergirl?" Wonder Woman turned her head to me, still on high alert.

     "Kind of...let me go to the center. I'll be able to get a better look." I prepare myself to lift off but Wonder Woman catches my wrist.

     "Are you sure, sister?"

     "Is it safe for you to go in there alone?" Female Green Lantern put in.

     "I'll be fine. If something explodes or anything, I won't get hurt, as long as there isn't krytonite. And I'm sure there isn't, just go and help Bumblebee and Zatanna." I finally lifted off.

     "Later loser!" Male Green Lantern calls after me. I lazor under feet and he screeches. I let out a little chuckle before flying away. I reach the center and see a big, blue glow. My dude really likes the color blue, I think to myself. I look around, prepared for sudden attack. I lurk around the blue glow. I start to breathe deep, I tense myself. I thought we put him back, I don't understand-

     Suddenly, I'm hit with a green ray. Krytonite. I can feel my trachea start to close, my body weaken, I fall to the floor. I hear someone speak to me in Krytonian. "Hello, Zor'EL." Zod. He's wearing what seems to be armor made of tungsten, lead, and some other strong metals. He kicks me and sends me flying. I crash into nearby debris. I call him the Krytonian version of 'you stupid fucking bitch.' The lazor seemed to start to ware off a bit and I stand up.

     I continue to talk to him our native language. "How did you get out of the Phantom Zone? Why can't you just leave this planet alone. You tried to claim it once, but you failed." I strongly throw a piece of debris at him. He pulls out a sword from its holder and cuts it in half. He stares at me for a second and charges at me. With his other hand, he shoots another blast at me, but I dodge it. I use my lazor on him but it just bounces off him. I fly down to him and punch him. Instead of it hurting him or him flying back, my hand cracked. The loudest crack. Pain rushes to my hand. I fly back, clutching my hand. He lunges at me, welding his sword. I swing out of the way as quick as I can. I stand up and he swings his sword again. It hits my side, I feel my flesh being pierced, blood gushing.

     He raises his sword again. "I should have never spared you and your mother." He gets ready to strike me again, but out of know where, Wonder Woman appears. She hits him with her sword. The sword gets dented and it doesn't affect him, but he gets distracted. The others appeared and started to attack. Other people from the blue glow came out, wearing the same armor.

     I fall to my knees. I can't stand. I'm in shock. I'm in pain. I'm hurt. My side is on, fire, and gushing blood. My hand, feels shattered. I hear Bumblebee talk to me. "Kara, you're hurt! We have to get you out of here!" She starts to shake and pull on me. I start to hyperventilate. I can't breathe. It hurts. Everything hurts. My mind. My body. Me. I hurt. I can't do this anymore. I can't...I can't...


Authors note ~ oooo what will happen I wonder???? i hope this wasn't to bad cuz it is a bit rushed.

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