Chapter 6

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     I slowly open my eyes. My vision is blurry. I roll around on my mattress. I realize that the bloody rag was still in my hand. Oops, I think to myself. I toss it somewhere no one would find it. I look at my arm, I must of bandaged it last night. I start to wake up. I roll towards the window in my room, the sun is starting to rise. I usually don't wake up this early on my own. I decided to get up, I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I wobbled as I stood up. I walk over to the drawer where I keep my clothes. I put my clothes on, and I walked over to the large mirror I have in my room.

    I realized I really fucked up my arms. The scratching on the sides of my biceps were scared. The cuts I make last night and cuts I have made in the past were noticeable. Thank the stars it is colder outside. I put on a hoodie, hoping that the sleeves wouldn't role.

     I walked down stairs after I was done getting ready. Eliza and Jeremiah were already awake, they looked at me with surprise in their eyes. "Oh wow, you're up early!" Eliza smiled at me.

     I just grunted. I sat down at the counter with them. "You usually don't get up until an hour later. Do you want anything to eat?" Jeremiah asked.

     "No" I replied.

     "Alright then...I'll drive you to school later." Jeremiah went into my parents office. Eliza had the day off, so she started to clean the house a bit. I don't understand how people are this active, this early. I didn't have anything else to do, so I just went back up to my room. I sat on my desk, looking in refection of my computer. I sat like that for a while. I rolled up my sleeves and looks at my bandaged arms. I sat there wondering why I did it. Did I do it because it felt good? Did I do it because it mad me feel better? I have no idea. I sat there until I heard Jeremiah call my name from down stairs. "Kara! It's time to go!" I grab my stuff and go down stairs. I go in Jeremiah's car and listened to his AM radio until I got to school.

     I went through a basic school day. Nothing interesting happened. I met my friends throughout the day. The day ended.  I walked to my locker to put some of my stuff in it. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Jessica. "Hi, Kara! I haven't really been able to get the chance to talk to you lately. We've all been so busy! Walk with me, we can catch up on the way home!" I nodded and followed her. We exited the school and began to walk side by side on the side walk. "So, how is your hand and your side?"

     "They're fine. My side is still a little sore sometimes, other than that, everything is fine.

"That's good! How has school been lately? Are you having any difficulty catching up?"

     "No, my teacher don't really care if I'm there or not. They know I'm retarded."

     "Kara! Don't say that!" Jessica softly nudged my arm. I winced at the touch. "You aren't- that. You are very smart. You need to have more confidence in yourself!" She sighed. "You know we never finished our conversation."

     I groaned. "Well, what do you want hear?"

     "I just want you to talk about her feelings, and not lie about it. I'm not gonna force you, but if you don't talk about your feelings, your feeling just might get worse."

     I looked at her blankly. "You worry too much about other people. Why don't you talk about your feelings for once? What makes you think I have something wrong with me? Shouldn't we be worrying about Zod?"

     "I do Kara, I enjoy putting things off my chest. I know we are different people, and I don't think that there is something wrong with you. The reason we haven't been talking about Zod is because we didn't want to upset you. He attacked you and you got seriously hurt, Kara."

     "Then why do you guys think I'm 'bipolar' or something? I heard you guys talking about it a while back. And I'm not upset about me getting hurt, I'm upset about not being able to catch him."

     Jessica sighed. "Kara, we don't think anything is wrong with you. It was just, a, theory, of some sort. Your behavior and personality as shifted. We though of reasons why. We didn't mean it negativity. I also can assure you that, we will catch him and get rid of him."

     "I mean, I'm not mad about it. I just found it strange. I can assure you that I am fine."

      "Now you're talking about your feelings." Jessica chuckled. We continue to walk until we had to separate our ways. I continued walking, lost in my thoughts. I wondered if Jessica noticed my bandages. No, she would have said something. I worry about Zod, he could be anywhere. Who knows where he is. He hurt me. He hurt my mom.

authors note: its been a few months since i wrote the last chapter and ive came back to some positive reviews, im glad you guys like it :D it inspired me to write more, i hope this chapter was ok and ill work on the next one soon

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