Chapter 4

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Nothing, is all I feel, but now, I feel something. I slowly open my eyes, they sting due to the sunlight coming through my window. I close my eyes again, I try to role on my side. A rush of pain came to my side and I let out a groan. I have no idea what's going on. I don't know where I am, but I here a voice.

"If you move it's gonna hurt." It was Clark, and he was sitting on my desk chair. Oh god dammit. I let out another, louder groan.

I struggle to speak. "Wha-what? W-why? Eh?" I open my eyes again and turn my head to him. "W-why are you in my room? Go away."

"Um, you were asleep for like," he looks at his watch, "two days." I rub my face. I finally manage to sit up. "Kid, be careful. You're going to hurt yourself even more."


"God, you're dumb. Lie back down." Clark gets up from my chair and walks over to me. He kneels down and he starts to poke my shoulder. "Stop leaning on your hand! You're going to break it more."

"What." I just stare at him. " should get me some drugs."

"Yeah no, I'm going to tell mom and dad you're awake." He leaves my room. I have no idea what he is talking about. I sit there for a few minutes. I eventually realize that my left hand hand was bandaged. I start to move more. With every movement, my right side stings. I put my hand on my side, I feel that it's also bandaged. Now, I'm confused. I don't remember anything, I don't remember anything from the past view day. I try to stand up, my legs hurt, my legs are weak. I grab on to a nearby piece of furniture. I manage to walk to the door, almost falling. I make it to the stairs, holding tightly on the railing. I carefully, slowly. It took me forever, but I eventually made it to the bottom of the stairs. I hear Clark and my parents talking in the living room. I hear Clark call my name. "Kara!" I can hear his foot steps coming towards me. "What are you doing? I can hear you dum dum."

"Hi shithead. I am existing." I smile at him smugly.

He roles his eyes at me. "I think you have brain damage." He groans. Eliza and Jeremiah come into the kitchen.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Eliza asked me, she went up to me and cuffed my face with her hands. She starts to lead me to the living room. I sit down on the couch. Eliza sat down next to me. She grabs my face again, and leans my head towards her. "I hope you don't have brain damage."

"I don't have brain damage. Why would I have brain damage?"

Clark walks back over. "Because Zod attacked you and you passed out for 2 days."

"But I thought we put him back?" I look at him.

He sighs. "Apparently not. If it wasn't for your friends, he would have killed you."

"How did I get here?"

"I guess when he left, your friends called me from your phone."

"And you got me?"

"Uh yeah. Do you remember now?" I swallow. I scratch the side of the couch. I start to feel more, physically. I feel side. I feel my hand.


"I don't want you do this 'super' thing, anymore. I don't want this to happen again. And don't argue." Jeremiah points at me. I don't argue. "How about you go back up to your room and rest?" He tells me. He tries to help me, but I can walk on my own. I slowly make it to my room.

I flopped down on my mattress. I lay there for a while. I don't think. I don't move. I dig my nails into my upper left arm. I drag them a cross my flesh. I start to struggle to breathe. I start to feel, heavy, again. I feel as if someone is sitting on my chest. Why? I can't. I-why? That's all I can think. Why couldn't I stop him? Am I, weak? Why did he come back? Does it have something to do with me? Can I-

I hear someone knock in my door. "Hey Kara, can I come in?" It was Diana.

"Yes." I respond softly. I sigh.

She enters my room. She walks towards me slowly and sits down next to me. "How are you feeling? The other girls are busy and your mother sent me a technical message that you have awaken." She says happily. "We can go to Sweet Justice after you are all better." All I can do is groan. I feel my side. I winch at the pressure of my hand. Diana tilts her head at me. She puts her hand on my shoulder. "How are you?"

"I'm fine."

Diana rolls her eyes at me. "You keep saying that. What's really going on?"


"I don't know what was happening with you before, but sister you almost died. If we didn't show up in time," she sighs, "you would have died." She looks at me sadly. You got seriously hurt. Your left hand is probably broken. Your side probably needs stitches." You took at her. Tears are starting to form in her eyes. "I don't want to lose a sister." She hugs me tightly. I hug her back, it hurt like a bitch though. We hug for a little bit, she eventually lets go. "Oh, sorry." She scratches the back of her head.

"So, you gonna, kick me off the team or something? Jeremiah was like 'you can't do that anymore, you'll die!'"

Diana chuckles. "Of course not! You are still valuable to the team. You'll be better in no time, and your family will believe this won't happen again. We all just have to be more care full." She pats my head.

I smile. "Thank you, Diana."

Author's Note ~ I just realized that this kinda sucks but oh well

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