Chapter 9

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     Its been a month since Zod's last attack. Nothing important happened. I got hurt again, everyone whined, my parents whined, I didn't go to school for a month, because I didn't want to, blah blah blah. Zod didn't attack again since. The last time he attacked, he won I guess. I don't really know what happened during the fight. It was never really explained to me. He's probably planning something, but we can't know for sure. He is definitely coming back though.

     Today is the day I am finally going back to school. I've been stalling for a while. I as supposed to get back two or three weeks ago, but I didn't want to. I didn't feel like it. I had school work assigned to me online so I could do it from home. Did I do it? Nope. Eliza and Jeremiah said I was going to fail out the year if I didn't do it, but I don't really care. School isn't doing much for me. I woke up earlier than usual today. I just sat in my bed until the usual time I get ready. I go down stairs to see Jeremiah and Eliza in the kitchen. They were both off work today.

     "Ah, good morning, Kara!" Jeremiah said to me, cheerfully. I just grunted, and sat down in one of the chairs.

     "Are you excited for your first day back?" Eliza asked.

     "No," I wiggled around in my chair. I don't want to go back. I hate school. It's never helped me in life, if anything it's made it worse. I don't know why I'm legally obligated to be there.

     "Do you want something to eat?" They made some sort of egg thing for breakfast. I usually don't eat breakfast. They make gross food.

     "Are you sure?"

     "Yeah," I groan as I stand up to leave

     "Where are you going?" Jeremiah turned to me.

     " I'm going to walk," I turn to the door.

     "Nooo, you are going to skip school," Jeremiah called after me.

     "No I'm not," I open the door.

    "Kara," Jeremiah called after me in a stern voice. "You are not going to walk. Look, I know you don't want to go, but you have to. You have miss too many days this year. You're lucky that you were allowed to miss that many," I just let out a loud, over exaggerated groan. They aren't wrong. I probably would. We eventually go in the car and they drive me to school.

     They both were in the car. I was in the back. Eliza turned to me, "I got an email for Mr. Chapin yesterday. You have to go to his office the first thing you get there. He said that you have to make up from what you missed,"

     "Nooo," I whine. I hate Mr. Chapin, with a burning passion. He part of the reason that school for me is ass. I know that I'm not the most well behaved student and I probably bring the test averages down, but he's just a bitch. I do not like him.

     We eventually arrived to school. I jump out of the car and close the door. They say the usual goodbyes and drive away. I walk towards the school, looking for my friend group. I can see them sitting on the steps. The male group is also sitting with them. Steve I guess dropped out of military school while I was gone. Diana is smitten. I sigh. I don't want to be here. I swallow, feeling it being blocked. My legs feel weak, my chest feels pressed. I'm tired of being here. I'm tired of being heavy. I don't want to be here any more...

     "KARA!!" Barbara and Barry yelled at the top of their lungs, being their usual hyper selves. I eventually make it to the steps.

     "Kara! We missed you!" Jessica reached out to hug me.

     "O. M. G. Kara. You have missed so much!" Barbara jumped on me.

     I chuckled. "What did I miss?"

     "Ok, so, Leslie threatened to blow up the school again, so she got suspended again. Doris had like, withdraw symptoms from her being gone and also skipped school like you. Hal went through 2 girlfriends. Carol tried to kill both..." She talked until the bell rang. I missed a lot. I go inside and start to walk to Mr. Chapin's office.

     "Where are you going?" Karen asked.

     "Chapin. I have to deal with some, attendance thing I guess,"

     She smiled, "Alright, I'll see you later!"

      I smile back, watching her waddle off to her class. I walk slowly to Mr. Chapin's office. I don't want to deal with his bullshit.

     I eventually make it, after walking as slow as a snail. I knock on the door. I can here his low groan as he heard it. "Come in," I open the door to see Mr. Chapin, sitting at his desk and and my guidance counselor, sitting on the edge of the desk.

     "Sit down, Kara," My counselor gestured to the chair in front of the desk. I sit down in the chair. I look around the room. The room is dim and the fan Mr. Chapin had going on was loud. "So, let's start, you have over a month worth of absences this school year. I can see that this was common at your old middle and high school, Smallville?"


     "I know your leave of absence this year was because of injury and sickness, what was it for at Smallville?"

    "I had just came to America, and I didn't get along with the other kids there as well,"

     "Would you say you got bullied?"

     "...I guess, I though we were asking about my absence here?" Why is this old lady asking me stupid stuff?

     "Right, so I can see here that you didn't complete any of the work assigned home. Your grades weren't the best to begin with. My suggestion is that you help out during clubs and in the library after school. You would get attendance credit and grade credit back. You wouldn't get club credit, which is good for college,"

     "It's not like you haven't done that before," Mr. Chapin chimed in, with a half smirk on his face, "You stay after all the time for detention," I just glared at him. Yes I go to detention, don't rub it in my face.

     "If you don't start building up your credits now, you are going to fail the year. I also would like you to have weekly meeting with me. I would like to keep progress on you. How does that sound?" My guidance councilor asked.

     I slumped down in my chair, "Fine," I don't want to be with this crusty, dusty old woman but whatever.

     "Good. You can stay after today, the journalism needs help, you can help them," She closed her file. The meeting ended. I left the office, and started to walk to class. That meeting was stupid, but whatever. I'll but in a little effort. I just don't want to be here. I'm surprised Mr. Chapin didn't have much to say. He usually does.

     I decide not to go to class. A great decision, I know. Sometimes, I just think I'm lazy. I should put effort in, but what's the point? Nothing matters. I walk to the bathroom. I decide to just hang out there. Locking myself in the bathroom is such a great idea. I go into one of the stalls, and press my back up against the wall. I just want to go home. I just want to rot in my bed. I bring my hands up to the sides of my arms. I dig my nails in to my sleeves. It stings. I want to scratch into my skin, but I'm going to try to stop myself. Not sure how long that's going to last, but I'm going to try. I just feel heavy. So heavy. I don't want to be here anymore. Zod should have killed me. I wouldn't have to deal with my thoughts. Others wouldn't have to deal with me. Everyone's problems would be solved. Zod probably wouldn't be here. I'm just tired, so tired...

authors note: yippee a longer chapter, meh this one is ok, i dont have much to say about it, im tired lol

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