First Battle

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Clone Commander Jax was a highly respected member of the 45th Elite Legion, renowned for his tactical prowess and unwavering loyalty to the Galactic Republic. He had served under many Jedi commanders, but there was something different about his current partner, Jedi Master Kira Damaris. Perhaps it was her calm demeanor in the heat of battle or the way she always seemed to know exactly what to do.

Jax had been assigned to work closely with Master Damaris on a mission to eliminate a group of Separatist leaders who were planning an attack on a Republic outpost. As they prepared for the mission, Jax couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the Jedi Master. They set off in a Republic gunship with a squad of clone troopers, making their way toward the Separatist base. As their Gunship landed, they were immediately met with a missile, causing their group to scatter for cover.

"Watch out!" Jax grabbed Kira by the arms and shielded her with his armor.

Kira was taken aback by Jax's sudden protective gesture. She had always known the clone troopers to be fiercely loyal to their Jedi commanders, but this was different. Jax seemed to have a personal investment in her safety.

"Thank you, Jax," Kira said, her voice barely audible over the sounds of blaster fire. "But we need to focus on the mission."

Jax nodded, his helmet hiding any expression of concern he may have had. They continued their advance towards the Separatist base, with Jax and his clone troopers providing cover fire while Kira used her lightsaber to deflect incoming blaster bolts.

As they approached the base, Jax signaled for his troopers to take up defensive positions. Kira ignited her lightsaber and charged toward the entrance, slicing through the droids that stood in her way. Jax and his troopers followed closely behind, taking out any enemy resistance with ruthless efficiency.

After several minutes of intense fighting, the Separatist leaders were finally neutralized, and the Republic outpost was saved. Kira and Jax regrouped with the rest of their team outside the base, both breathing heavily from the exertion of the battle.

"Impressive work, Commander Jax," Kira said, a note of admiration in her voice.

Jax removed his helmet, revealing his face for the first time. "Thank you, General Damaris. It's an honor to fight alongside you."

"Likewise, Commander. You truly are a credit to your Battalion. Now, let's move out."

Their peace was short-lived as another barrage of missiles hit an AT-TE and destroyed it. Jax was separated from Kira by the impact of the missile. He felt himself being pushed into a nearby valley, his body tumbling uncontrollably down the steep incline. He tried to grab onto something to slow his descent, but there was nothing but loose gravel and rocks. 

As he tumbled down the valley, Jax could feel his armor taking the brunt of the impact. His helmet had been knocked off in the fall, and he could feel the cold wind rushing past his face. Finally, Jax came to a stop at the bottom of the valley. He lay there for a moment, trying to catch his breath and assess the damage. His armor was badly dented and scratched, but he didn't appear to have any serious injuries.

Jax looked up towards the top of the valley, hoping to see Kira or some of his fellow clone troopers coming to his rescue. But all he saw was smoke and debris from the battle. Realizing that he was on his own, Jax began to make his way out of the valley. He had to find a way to reconnect with Kira and complete the mission.

As he climbed up the valley wall, Jax heard a noise in the distance. Drawing his pistol, Jax slowly stepped down to find cover. Jax's heart raced as he heard the approaching droids. He knew he had to act quickly to avoid being detected. He looked around frantically for any cover or concealment.

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