The Bad Batch

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"Good to see you, Commander," Hunter spoke as they shook hands.

"You too, Hunter," Cody replied.

Hunter's gaze shifted to Jax. "And you must be..."

"Jax," Jax introduced himself, offering a firm handshake. "Former commander of the 45th Elite Legion."

The Bad Batch exchanged glances, clearly assessing the situation. "Former, huh?" Hunter raised an eyebrow. "What brings a former commander here?"

Cody spoke up, his tone earnest. "We've defected from the Empire. Removed our inhibitor chips. We're looking for allies, people who resist the Empire's control. While we were still there, there were multiple reports that a squad of rogue clones was causing the Empire a bit of trouble."

"We assume that was you," Jax added.

"That doesn't prove anything," Crosshair crossed his arms skeptically. "Why should we trust you?"

"If we were still part of the Empire, do you really think we would be having a peaceful conversation?" Cody asked. 

"He has a point," Echo added, "Why would they still be in the Empire if they aren't trying to turn us in?" 

"Besides, we removed our chips," Jax mentioned.

Tech, the tech specialist, chimed in. "Removing inhibitor chips? That's a bold move."

Cody nodded, his expression resolute. "It's time for us to take control of our own lives. And we believe in your cause."

Hunter studied them for a moment, then nodded slowly. "We've been looking for more allies. But we don't just take anyone in. You'll have to prove yourselves."

Jax met Hunter's gaze evenly. "We're willing to do whatever it takes."

The Bad Batch exchanged another glance, and then Hunter extended his hand towards Cody. "Welcome to the fight."

As Cody shook Hunter's hand, a sense of unity and purpose settled over the group. They were now part of something greater, a resistance against the Empire that was growing stronger with every ally they gained. The journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to stand up against tyranny and fight for a future where they could determine their own destinies.

"Echo?" Jax turned to the skinny Clone, "What happened to you?" 

Echo shifted uncomfortably under Jax's scrutiny. His voice held a trace of bitterness as he spoke. "After the Techno Union had me captive, they... modified me. Enhanced my abilities, but at a cost."

Cody stepped in, his voice compassionate. "Echo's been through a lot. He's not the same Clone we used to know."

Jax nodded, his expression empathetic. "I can see that. War changes all of us."

Echo glanced at the ground before meeting Jax's gaze. "I'm still fighting. Still serving. But now, it's on my terms."

Hunter, ever the pragmatic one, cut to the chase. "If we're going to work together, we need to know we can trust each other."

Jax's resolve solidified. "You have my word. We're in this for the long haul."

Crosshair, who had been mostly silent, finally spoke up. "Actions speak louder than words."

Cody nodded, agreeing with the sentiment. "We need to prove ourselves. Show you that we're committed to this cause."

Jax extended his hand towards Echo. "We're all trying to find our place in this new reality. Let's fight for it together."

Echo hesitated for a moment before shaking Jax's hand. It was a tentative start, a small step towards building trust between two groups of Clones who had each taken different paths. But it was a start nonetheless, and both sides knew that the challenges ahead would demand unity and cooperation if they were to have any hope of resisting the Empire's iron grip.

"I have an idea," Jax declared. "As Cody and I still have access to Imperial transmissions, we can effortlessly listen in on small-scale operations such as supply runs and prisoner transfers, and promptly extract whatever is being taken."

Hunter's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he considered the plan. "Using their own resources against them. I like it."

Cody chimed in, "It could give us an advantage. Information is crucial."

Tech added, "We could intercept their data feeds, decode their protocols, and exploit any vulnerabilities."

Jax nodded, impressed by their expertise. "Exactly. The more we know about their movements and operations, the better our chances of mounting effective resistance."

Echo spoke up, his tone determined. "But we need to be careful. The Empire won't take kindly to us meddling in their affairs."

Crosshair's smirk was almost predatory. "That's the point, isn't it?"

Hunter held up a hand, silencing the banter. "Let's not forget, our primary objective is to free the Clones who are still trapped in the Empire's control. If we can disrupt their operations in the process, even better."

Jax agreed a solemn look on his face. "We owe it to our brothers to bring them home, and to make sure their sacrifice wasn't in vain."

As the two groups exchanged determined glances, a sense of camaraderie and purpose began to solidify. It was a fragile alliance, born out of shared struggles and a common goal. But in a galaxy overshadowed by the Empire's dominance, it was a glimmer of hope – a spark that had the potential to ignite a fire of rebellion against tyranny.

Jax turned to Hunter and Echo, "I talked to Appo, while we were still controlled. He said Commander Tano killed Rex. Is it true?"

Hunter's expression turned somber as he recounted the events. "To the Empire, yes, but in reality, no. Towards the end of the war, during the Siege of Mandalore, Ahsoka Tano and Rex captured the Sith Lord, Maul, but before they could return to Coruscant, Order 66 was enacted."

Echo continued, "When Rex received the order to execute Ahsoka, he hesitated. He tried to warn Ahsoka, mentioned to 'find Fives' before the chip fully took over."

Hunter nodded, his voice filled with respect, "Rex was able to resist the control just for a short minute before Order 66 took over his mind."

"During their escape," Echo added, "Ahsoka was able to remove Rex's chip, but unfortunately, not their men."

Jax's expression was a mix of sorrow and understanding. "So, Rex survived and fought against the Empire. That gives us hope."

Cody chimed in, "It shows that there are Clones out there who were able to break free from the Emperor's control. We just need to find them and unite."

Hunter's gaze was determined. "And that's exactly what we're going to do. We'll continue our operations against the Empire, gather intel, and free our brothers who are still trapped. The fight's not over."

Jax nodded, a renewed sense of purpose filling him. "Then let's get to work. We have a galaxy to save."

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