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The next morning, Jax woke up to find Kira already dressed and ready to go. "Good morning," he yawned.

"Good morning," Kira replied with a smile. "We have a briefing in an hour. You should get ready."

Jax nodded and got out of bed, stretching his limbs. "Right, I'll see you at the briefing."

As he got dressed, Jax couldn't help but think about their conversation from the previous night. He knew they needed to be careful about their relationship, especially since Kira was a high-ranking officer. But he couldn't deny the feelings he had for her. He made a mental note to talk to her again soon to figure out how they could make this work.


As Jax and Kira hurried to an escape pod, the ship shook from another hit. "We have to abandon ship! The Defender is too heavily damaged!" Jax shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he fended off more droids.

Kira nodded, her expression serious as they made their way through the corridors. They could hear the sounds of chaos and destruction all around them, and Jax's grip on her hand tightened. "We'll make it out of here, I promise," he said, trying to reassure her.

Finally, they arrived at the escape pod bay, and Jax quickly began the launch sequence. As they were ejected from the ship, Kira couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and sadness. The Defender had been their home for so long, and now it was gone.

But as they looked out at the vast expanse of space before them, Jax turned to her with a determined look in his eyes. "We'll rebuild," he said, his voice firm. "And we'll make sure that the enemy pays for what they've done."

Jax and Kira sat in the escape pod, watching as the enemy fleet disappeared into hyperspace. The remnants of their own fleet floated in space, disabled and destroyed.

"We're not going to make it to the rendezvous point, are we?" Kira asked, looking at Jax with a pained expression.

Jax sighed heavily, "No, we're not. But we'll make it out alive. That's what matters."

Jax held Kira's hand, "Hey, it's gonna be okay." He assured her.

Kira squeezed Jax's hand, grateful for his comfort. "I know," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "But we lost so many good soldiers today. It's a heavy blow."

Jax nodded, understanding the weight of the losses they had suffered. "We'll honor their sacrifice and keep fighting," he said, determination in his voice. "The war isn't over yet, and we can't give up."

Kira smiled at Jax's unwavering spirit. "You're right," she said. "We can't give up. We'll keep fighting until we've won."

Jax squeezed her hand in response, a silent affirmation of their shared resolve. They both knew the road ahead would be long and difficult, but they also knew they couldn't back down. They were soldiers, and their duty was to protect their people and their galaxy, no matter the cost.

As Jax removed his armor, Kira could see the bruises and cuts covering his body. "Let me help you with that," she said, reaching for a medkit.

Jax hesitated, "I'm fine, Kira. You don't need to worry about me."

Kira looked at him with concern, "Jax, you took a lot of hits out there. Let me at least patch you up."

Jax finally relented, and Kira began tending to his wounds. As she worked, Jax couldn't help but feel grateful to have Kira by his side. Despite their dangerous missions and close calls, they always found a way to make it through together.

"Thank you," Jax said, looking into Kira's eyes.

Kira smiled, "Anytime."

"You know, you don't have to be so formal with me." Jax said, pointing to Kira still wearing her robes.

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