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Kira sat in her quarters, feeling empty and alone. She couldn't stop thinking about Jax and the sacrifice he had made for her. His instinct to protect her had come before his own safety, and it had nearly cost him his life. Kira couldn't help but feel guilty. As a Jedi, it was her duty to protect her clone troopers, not the other way around. But Jax had shown her that the bond between a commander and his troops could be just as strong as that between a Jedi and their Apprentice.

As she sat alone in her quarters, Kira thought back to the moment when Jax had grabbed her and shielded her from harm. It was a moment that would stay with her forever. Jax was notorious for putting others before himself, but this was different.

Kira knew that she needed to find a way to repay Jax for his bravery and sacrifice. She couldn't let his actions go unnoticed or unappreciated.

She stood up from her bed and walked over to her desk. She pulled out a sheet of paper and began to write a letter to Jax, thanking him for everything he had done for her and for the 45th Elite Legion. As she wrote, Kira felt a sense of peace and clarity wash over her. She knew that Jax was a true hero and that he deserved to be recognized for his bravery. Kira finished the letter and sealed it in an envelope. She vowed to deliver it to Jax as soon as he was well enough to read it. And she promised herself that she would never forget the sacrifice he had made for her and the battalion.

Kira couldn't shake off the memory of the way Jax had shielded her and the feeling of safety she had experienced in his embrace. She knew that it was just a moment of instinctual protection, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to Jax in a way that went beyond their roles as commander and Jedi.

Kira was conflicted. As a Jedi, she was taught to forbade attachments. "Attachment is forbidden. Attachment leads to fear of loss."  She could hear Master Yoda's words ringing in her mind, "Fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." Her entire life, she was told she'd be expelled from the order for forming attachments. Yet, she felt stronger with the Clone. It didn't feel like a weakness. It fueled her and reminded her why she needed to keep fighting.  Maybe this one time, the council was wrong.

As she sat in her quarters, Kira couldn't stop thinking about the battle. She knew that it was impossible. Jax was a clone trooper, and she was a Jedi Master. Their paths were destined to diverge, and they could never be anything more than comrades-in-arms. Despite this, Kira couldn't help but feel a sense of longing and sadness. She knew that her duty as a Jedi required her to remain detached, but she couldn't deny the way her heart felt.

Kira closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. She knew that she needed to focus on her duty and her responsibilities as a Jedi. But she couldn't help but feel that a part of her was missing without Jax by her side.


"Miss me?" Kira turned around and to find Jax in her doorway.

Kira's heart skipped a beat as she heard Jax's voice and saw him standing at the door. She couldn't help but smile as he entered the room, wearing his officer's uniform rather than his armor.

"Jax, you're okay!" Kira exclaimed, relieved to see that he had recovered from his injuries.

Jax grinned and walked over to Kira, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just a flesh wound," he said, gesturing to the bandage on his leg. Kira couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness as Jax sat beside her. She knew that it was wrong to feel this way, but she couldn't deny the way her heart felt whenever they were together. As they sat in silence for a moment, Kira couldn't help but wonder if Jax felt the same way. But she knew that it was impossible. Jax was a Commander, and she was a General. Their superiors would never approve. They could never be anything more than fellow soldiers on the battlefield.

Despite this, Kira couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity whenever she was with Jax. He was more than just a clone to her, he was a trusted ally and a friend. As they sat together, Kira knew that she would never forget the way Jax had shielded her and the feeling of safety she had experienced in his embrace. But she also knew that she needed to remain true to her duty as a Jedi, no matter how difficult it may be. For now, she was content to just sit beside Jax and enjoy his company, grateful for the bond they shared and the sacrifices they had made for each other and the 45th Legion.

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