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"Trooper, what's going on?" Jax commanded as he and Kira rushed onto the Bridge.

The trooper looked up at Jax, "Sir, we've received a distress call from a nearby signal. It's a Republic Supply Ship."

"Corporal, order Vanguard Company to report to the briefing room," Jax ordered.

As Jax made his way to the briefing room, he couldn't help but worry about what could be happening. When he arrived, he saw several high-ranking officers gathered and talking in hushed tones.

"What's the situation?" Jax asked the nearest officer, trying to catch up on the conversation.

"There's been an attack on one of our supply ships," the officer replied, "The enemy managed to steal a shipment of valuable equipment."

Jax frowned, "Do we have any intel on who's responsible?"

"Not yet, but we believe it could be a group of pirates operating in the area," the officer explained.

Jax nodded, "Alright, let's get Vanguard Company mobilized. We'll track down these pirates and retrieve our stolen equipment."

The other officers nodded in agreement, and Jax quickly briefed Vanguard Company on the mission. They gathered their gear and boarded the gunships, ready to take on the mission ahead.

"Pyro, with me. Blaze, Hook. Take a group and head for the Bridge." Jax ordered.

The troopers quickly responded to Jax's orders and headed off to their assigned tasks. As Jax and Pyro made their way through the ship, they could hear blaster fire and explosions in the distance.

Jax gritted his teeth, knowing that the battle was far from over. He was determined to protect his crew and complete their mission, no matter the cost.

Finally, they arrived at the Bridge, where they found Blaze, Hook, and their team holding off a group of battle droids.

"Commander Jax!" Blaze said through his comlink, "We're reading a massive energy surge in the middle of the ship. We have to get off this Munificent-class Frigate and back onto the Liberty before it self-destructs."

Jax's mind raced as he processed the situation. "Copy that, Blaze. All units fall back to the hangar bay immediately. We need to evacuate before this ship explodes." He yelled through his comlink.

Jax and Pyro led the charge, fighting their way through the droids and making their way to the hangar bay. They could hear explosions and feel the ship shaking as they ran. Finally, they reached the hangar bay and saw their transport ship waiting for them.

"Everyone, get aboard! Go, go, go!" Jax shouted as he and Pyro covered their troops. One by one, they boarded the ship until everyone was accounted for.

"General Damaris!" Jax yelled into his comlink, "Move the Liberty as far away from the munificent frigate as fast as you can. It's going to self-destruct!"

There was a brief moment of static before Kira responded, "Copy that, Commander. We'll move the Liberty out of range immediately."

Jax addressed his squad, urging them to move quickly. "Let's go, let's go! We have to get out of here before that frigate explodes!"

They made their way as quickly as possible through the ship, fighting off any remaining droids they encountered. As they reached the hangar bay, they saw a group of Separatist fighters heading their way.

"Pyro, get us some cover fire!" Jax yelled as they took positions behind some crates.

Pyro nodded and launched several rockets at the approaching fighters, causing them to explode in mid-air.

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