Imperial Defectors

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"That's why we need to act," Jax implored. "We can't change the past, but we can shape our own future. We can break free from the control of these chips, regain our autonomy, and maybe even make amends for the atrocities we've been forced to commit."

Cody's jaw clenched as he considered the implications. "And the men?"

"We'll come back for them, but now we need to worry about getting out of here as soon as possible," Jax replied regrettably.

Cody nodded, his expression grave. "You're right. We can't save anyone if we're caught before we even start."

Jax took a deep breath, his mind racing with the weight of their decision. "I've arranged for a transport to meet us at a secure location on the outskirts of Coruscant. It's our best chance to slip away unnoticed."

Cody's shoulders tensed as he considered the enormity of what they were about to do. "We'll have to gather whatever supplies we can and move discreetly. We can't draw attention to ourselves."


Three days after the Imperial Defectors removed their inhibitor chips, they met up at a civilian cantina not controlled by the Empire. "There's a squad of rogue clones that have been causing a bit of trouble for the Empire." Cody said, "The Bad Batch. Maybe we start there. I would trust the leader with my life. Hunter is different like his squad, but relates to us regs much better than the others."

Jax listened carefully to Cody's words, considering the potential ally they could find in the Bad Batch. "If they're causing trouble for the Empire, it means they're actively resisting Imperial control. That's a good sign."

Cody nodded. "And like you said, Hunter understands the perspective of regular clones. If anyone can help us navigate this new life, it's them."

"Agreed," Jax said. "But approaching them won't be easy. We need to be cautious. If they're as skilled as you say, they won't take kindly to strangers showing up unannounced."

Cody's expression was serious. "We'll need to prove ourselves. Show them that we're serious about leaving the Empire behind."

"We can offer them our skills," Jax suggested. "Tell them about our plan to remove inhibitor chips from other clones who want to break free. It could be a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Cody nodded thoughtfully. "Let's gather some supplies, weapons, and information to offer as a gesture of goodwill. Then, we'll head to their last known location."

As Jax and Cody left the cantina, "Commander Cody." A figure with a smoky voice followed by four others.

"Hunter?" Cody replied.

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