AN: PurpleBrickfilms13 thanks for inspiring me bro bro Enjoy and stuff (Btw, this chapter and practically this whole story was made at like 1 am so yes there will be spelling mistakes and just weird dialogue, just bear with me and stuff thx pookie)
I woke up feeling nauseous, but I can't be sick today I need to meet Greg's friends...
"Y/N are you awake?" Greg's voice echoed through the small van
"Oh yeah I am greggy"
"Let's get some eggs and bacon real quick and then you can meet pearl!"
"Alright greg"
Time skip
Greg and I had our food it was now time to meet pearl
"Oh pearl I thought you were waiting at the-"
"You were late, more specifically an hour late, I got worried so I asked garnet to tell me where you were."
"Oh crap, pearl I'm sorry, I guess my eggs Benedict was so good that I forgot the time" Greg said with a worried look on his face
"It's alright Greg, Y/N why don't you come with me- Greg you can um- do what ever you do."
"Alright have fun Y/N I'll see you later!" Greg exclaimed as he walked away
I got a look at pearl, she was tall, slim, pale, and- wait it's the gem with the Pinocchio nose I saw the same night greg proposed to me. I didn't know she was friends with my greg. I follow pearl in silence until she breaks the long silence between the two of us.
"Tell me Y/N do you know how to use a sword?"
"I actually do! Batman trained me!"
"Hmm interesting, I do hope you will like what I have in mind then"
I didn't even notice that we were in this arena type location, pearl summoned a sword from her gem.
"Here use this sword" pearl calls out as she throws the sword to me
I notice pearl get into a fighting stance
"Whenever your ready Y/N"
I hit my sword against hers, pearl gracefully jumps back, she uses the dull side of her sword to try to sweep me off the floor, I jump before the sword gets to my feet. I try to hit pearls sword after she brings it up from the ground, but pearl was too fast for me, this gem is definitely skilled for sure.
The two of us battle, I noticed that she would use ballet stances when she was fighting, she had graceful yet strong moves, it was almost like a type of dance, her swings had emotion in them, whenever i swung my sword it seemed as she always expected my moves, every time I was on the upper hand of the fight I could see the fire in her eyes as if every time she had to be stronger.
Pearls POV
I never thought she could fight this well, this feels different from the sword fight Connie and I had, this felt different, it felt like war, not between us but swords, when I trained Connie, when we battled I would talk, tell her what she did wrong or right, but for Y/N I can't talk, it feels like life or death, a plethora of emotions are overcoming me, but why....? I notice Y/N's ring, there's a pink diamond...seeing it reminds me of her, it reminds me of rose. I feel anger and saddens all over, I start hitting my sword harder against Y/N's.
We fought for 30 minutes till I, overcome with all these feeling took one final swing to her snapped in half, right through the center
Oh my- she broke the sword.
"Wow pearl that was intense" I laugh after I speak
"Yes it definitely was, you know..your a great swordsman Y/N."
There was a science between the two of us
"Soooooo, Greg and I, we- well- we're getting married" I break the short silence
Pearls eyes seem to glow she then speaks, "Well congratulations, I'm glad Greg moved on! Is that a ring? May I see?"
"Of course Pearl"
I extend my crusty musty fingers out to pearl Pearl mutters something under her breath, it was so quiet I couldn't make out anything she said
"Pearl do you want to come to my wedding?"
"Sure why not Y/N"
After that pearl and I talk about each others fighting stances.
"Well" pearl starts to speak "I think amethyst is going to be wondering where you are."
"Huh? I thought I was going to meet garnet next"
"No garnet decided last night that she wanted to "talk" to you last...whatever that means"
"Well I suppose that's fine with me, as long as I get to meet her at the end of the day."
I give pearl a hug and walk to what she calls the "warp"
Standing right in front of me was the purple minion from despicable me 2, wait- that's no minion that's a gem, silly me lol
"Yo yo yo dawg you Y/N?"
"Um yup that's me"
"Coolio anyway wanna throw rocks at people in Rcta discord servers?" The minion looking gem says
"Fuck yeah" I say
We scout out people on discord servers.....Onion...
The gem named amethyst speaks up " Holy shit onion is in a Rcta discord sever?!"
Time skip
We ended up killing onion for being a fucking idiot, what type of person thinks they can just switch races what a fucking dumbass
"Yo Y/N that was chill yo yo queen queef power"
"Yeah It was super fun"
"Yo what's that ring you got?"
"It's my wedding ring, Greg is my fiancé, we are getting married in a few weeks, wanna come to the wedding?"
"Fuck yeah Y/N"
I give amethyst I high five, I turn around and the water boy and fire girl fro, that flash game appear behind me.
The blue thing speaks to me
"Hello Y/N garnet wants to meet you...Follow us."
End of chapter
Another AN: I was going to do all the meetings in this chapter but I got bored, heheheheh, yeah
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