Monte Carlo

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The next morning my alarm went off and i turn it off and go up, looking outside the window at the ocean waves crashing into each other and the boat. I put some clothes on, tie my hair up in a loose low ponytail and put an oversized grey shirt and black Nike Pro shorts on before making the bed and grabbing my stuff. I grab my bag and walk up to the top of the ferry and place my backpack in the front of the van and grab the bucket of feed and going in the side door to feed Jack and get him some water. I stayed with Jack until we arrive at France, and get back into the van to drive off the ferry.

Once the ferry docked i reversed the trailer off the back of the ship and onto the roads in France, after driving for 20 minutes i stop outside a field and go into the back of the trailer to grab Jack and let him have a stretch. I take a photo of him and upload it to Instagram.


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My handsome boy 🫶❤️ Finally made it to France! A few more hours on the road and we will be in our new home, Monte Carlo 🇲🇨

Once Jack had a good stretch, i loaded him back into the trailer and set back off on our journey to Monte Carlo. I turn the GPS on and realise we have another 10 hours ahead of us, so i turn some music on and pit the Air Con on for Jack.

After about 3 hours of driving, i pulled into a service to get some food and a drink. I went inside and headed into McDonald's and got 9 chicken nuggets, medium fries, large hot chocolate and a Galaxy mcflurry.

Once i had eaten i got back into the lorry and checked on the camera which was above the steering wheel and found Jack asleep. I turned the van on and got back onto the road.

Finally, after 7 more hours and a lot of stopping we arrived at Monaco.

"Jack! We're here bud!" i yelled to him really excitedly. I could hear him neigh.

We drove for another 10 minutes before we arrived at our new house, i pull the van inside the driveway and step out.

"Woah" i gasp as i walk and unlatch the door on the trailer and go inside and grab Jack.

I walk him down the ramp and give him some pats.

"Goodboy, i know it was a long journey. I'm sorry"

I put him in his new field and take a picture and post it on my story.


I have a quick look on Instagram and come across the Monte Carlo Competition page

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I have a quick look on Instagram and come across the Monte Carlo Competition page.


Liked by georgerussell63,charles_leclerc and 156,678 others

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Liked by georgerussell63,charles_leclerc and 156,678 others

autumnrussell- me and Jack can't wait!
- monacohorsecompetions- and we can't wait to have you two in 2 days!

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