Show | Charles' Pov

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I don't normally put this at the top but when i look st the story it's saying for me that the chapter 'Training' is after 'New Beginnings' i don't know if it shows up like that for you guys but if it does, it shouldn't. Can someone let me know if it does please? x

Charles' Pov:

The morning of Autumn's show comes, i was excited i've heard great things of her showing just never seen her up front. I get out of my bed and head downstairs into my kitchen and my mum is there.

"Bonjour maman" i say giving her a quick hug.
(hello mum)
"Bonjour charles, as-tu bien dormi?" she smiles at me.
(hello charles, did you sleep well?"
"Oui je l'ai fait merci" i walk past her and grab some ceral and sit on the couch and watch the TV.
(yes i did thank you)

After eating breakfast Arthur and Lorenzo came down. I spoke with then for a little bit and then went upstairs to get ready. I decide to text Autumn to wish her and Jack good luck.

After i was ready i went downstairs and saw everyone else was ready also

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After i was ready i went downstairs and saw everyone else was ready also.

"Est-ce que tout le monde est prêt?" my mum asks us all.
(is everyone ready?)
"Oui" i reply and Arthur and Lorenzo nod their heads and we all get into the car. Lorenzo is driving and my mum is next to him having a chat. I speak to Arthur on the way their.

"Je ne savais pas que tu aimais les chevaux" Arthur looks at me with a confused look on his face.
(i didn't know you liked horses)
"Je les ai toujours aimés mais je n'ai jamais monté ou côtoyé un j'ai commencé à les aimer plus récemment" i say with a slight smile.
(i have always loved them but i have never ridden or been around one i started to like them more recently)
"Es-tu sûr que c'est un cheval que tu commences à aimer davantage ou est-ce une personne?" Arthur snickers.
(are you sure it's a horse you're starting to like more or is it a person?)
"Peu importe, tais-toi arthur" i laugh and roll my eyes at him and look out the window.

10 minutes later we arrived. We all get out and walk up to the grandstand taking our seats. I quickly add a photo to my story


I put my phone away, i look up and hear an announcement talking about Group C to get ready

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I put my phone away, i look up and hear an announcement talking about Group C to get ready. Shit. What if i've missed Autumn?!

"Group C is up next. Jake Green to Arena 1, Autumn Russell, please make your final preparations"

"Thank god for that, thought i missed her" i mumble under my breath.

Jake comes on and does his round he hits a few jumps, i can tell he looks disappointed.

"Le pauvre j'espère que son cheval va bien" Lorenzo says.
(poor guy hope his horse is fine)
"Il a frappé ces pôles assez fort" my mum replies looking back into the Arena.
(he hit those poles pretty hard)

"That was Jake Green on Storm Cloud with 20 faults" the announcer said as they walked off.

"Autumn Russell to Arena 1 please, Sophie Phillips, please make your final preparations" the announcer spoke through the speakers.

I sat upright in my seat and grab my phone. Autumn and Jack walks on and they begin jumping. Jack hits a pole but it wobbles and doesn't move, i felt my heart skip a beat. She finishes her round and hasn't knocked any poles down she looks so happy, gosh shes so beautiful.

I take a photo of her and jack and post in on Instagram.


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Liked by arthur_leclerc, georgerussell63 and 1,236,970 others

So proud of these two, they did amazing!! ❤️ @autumnrussell

"That was Autumn Russell on Fire on Fire with a clear round" i hear on the announcements.

"Wow elle a fait incroyable" Arthur looks suprised as we watch her walk off. We all talk to each other and the rest of the riders in her group finish their rounds.

Autumn and the other riders walk into the arena again and i see someone giving the top 3 a ribbon. I heard a woman say she got first place. I felt like screaming i was so proud of her.

They all did their lap of honour and walked back into the stables.

"Peut-on aller aux écuries ? Je connais quelqu'un" i ask, i really want to see Autumn.
(can we go to the stables? i know someone)
"Bien sûr" my mum smiles at me and we all walk to the stables.

We walk in and i look around then i spot her and Jack.

"Well done, i'm so proud of you!" i smile at her.

She runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Thank you! We did better than i thought"

"You did amazing" i kiss her on the cheek. She walks back in to go and grab Jack while i walk over to my mum and brothers.

"Qui est-elle? Est-elle ta petite amie?" Arthur teases me.
(who is she? is she your girlfriend?)
"Non" i glare at him. God i wish she was though"

Autumn walks back in and she got changed so i invite her to come over to us.

"Hey Autumn, this is my mum Pascale, my older brother Lorenzo and my little brother Arthur" i smile and introduce her.

"Hey guys!" she smiles.

"It's lovely to meet you dear, you did amazing" my mum says to her and gives her a quick hug.

After she talks to us for a few minutes she leaves and goes home with Jack.

We all go back to the grandstand and finish watching the rest of the riders before we head home. We all eat and i go to bed.

I look at my phone and i start to type to Autumn.

I look at my phone and i start to type to Autumn

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She's probably asleep. I put my phone down and go to sleep.


Thank you guys so much for over 1K reads!! I love you all loads x

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