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After some hours of sleeping i feel someone gently shaking my shoulder.

"Autumn, cmon its take to get up, were about to land." Charles says softly, trying to wake up up.

I slowly open my eyes and look up at Charles. "Hey" i say rubbing my eyes. Charles smiles at me and we stand up as we've landed.

We walk out of the plane and Charles grabs our stuff and i lead us to the car waiting outside the airport.

"Is that your car?" Charles asks referring to the Subaru WRX STI in Voodoo Blue.

(my actual car 😍)

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(my actual car 😍)

"Yep, it's great for when it snows" i reply.

"Oh, do you live in Finland?" Charles asks getting into the passenger seat once he put the bags in the boot.

"Yeah, but i'm not here very much" i say turning on the engine as it roars.

I turn the radio on and start driving through Lapland, theres quite a bit of snow.

"When are we picking Jack up?" Charles says breaking the silence.

"We aren't, he's staying at the yard and my trainers looking after him as the shows in 5 days so he's going to stay until we need to arrive to the show." i say glacing at him.

"Ah okay, does the Subaru stay here?" Charles asks looks at me.

"Depends if i need it or not, but mostly yes." i reply as i get closer to my cabin. When we arrive i park up and me and Charles gets out of the car and we walk inside.

We walk inside and i look around. God i've missed this place.

"This is gorgeous, i never knew Lapland was so beautiful" Charles says as he looks around in awe.

"It really is, it's gorgeous around Christmas time when the Northern Lights come" i say looking at him.

"The show is in 5 days, so we can explore around and do some activities in the meantime, if you'd like?"

"Yeah, that sounds great, i'd love that" Charles says looking at me.

"C'mon my rooms up here" i say as he follows me to my room. "You can sleep in here with me if you want?"

"Sure" he says smiling.

"Alright, we can put out bags away and get changed because i have something planned!" i say excitedly

Charles chuckles and looks at me "What do you have in mind?"

"I think me and you should go horse riding! It'd be great, you've never rode a horse before and it is super amazing in Lapland" i say as i drag the last of the bags from outside the room, next to the bed.

Charles just looks at me blankly "Really?" he smiles with a slight chuckle "Me ride a horse?"

"Yeah! C'mon it would be great fun!" i say smiling at him.

"Fine" he says playfully rolling his eyes.

"Wrap up!" i say walking into the bathroom to get changed into some clothes and put my hair in a low pony. Once we was ready we drive down to the yard where the horses are.

We get out and we tack up the horses. I help Charles onto Jack and i hop onto a lesson horse called Diamond and give him a brief explanation on how to ride a horse. Once he thinks he has the hang of it we start walking.

"Remember to relax" i say looking behind me as he's a bit far behind.

On the way back from the hack, Charles takes a photo and uploads it to his Instagram.


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Celebrating the last couple weeks of summer break @autumnrussell she's teaching me how to ride, i'd say i have the hang of it? 😂

pierregasly - haha, good luck mate!

Once we got back, the yard hands took the horses and me and Charles got back into my car.

"The legs are dead, they are killing me" Charles says laughing as we start driving.

"They will, you're pulling muscles you didn't know you had." i say laughing back with him.

We have a long conversation on the ride home. We arrive and eat some food. I cook some pizza for me and Charles.

Once we've eaten, we head up to bed and start getting ready, i lay in bed and read a book for a bit as im waiting for Charles.


Charles takes this photo and uploads it to his story

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Charles takes this photo and uploads it to his story. He climbs into the bed next to me and i put my book down and snuggle up into him.

"Wanna watch a movie" he asks wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Sure" i say smiling to myself as im beginning to really fall head over heels for this man.

He puts Elf on and i lay on his chest."Goodnight Auts" Charles says getting comfy.

"Goodnight Charlie" i say and kiss his lips and he kissed me back passionately and slowly start to fall asleep back on his chest.


omg!! im so sorry for not posting in like 2 months 🫣 i've completely forgot about the story and have had writers block. i know it's a bit short but i wanted to get something out there. if you have any ideas for the story lmk! love you all and thank you so much for your support x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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