New Beginnings

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I finish packing my suitcases and bring them downstairs and put them in front of the door and go outside and check to make sure the trailer is fully packed and ready to go full of Jack's stuff as we're moving to Monaco to continue our shows and hopefully make it to the Olympics one day.

I go into Jack's stable and put his headcollar on and lead him to the trailer and give him some treats as my brother takes this photo.


Liked by charles_leclerc, autumnrussell and 1,567,432 others

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Liked by charles_leclerc, autumnrussell and 1,567,432 others

So proud of my sister, hope you and Jack keep smashing it out there in Monaco ❤️🇲🇨 @autumnrussell

autumrussell- ill miss you!
- georgerussell63- ill miss you too sis x

After a couple of minutes i load Jack into the trailer and put my suitcases in the front of the van and give George a hug goodbye.

"I'll miss you loads George" i look a him with tears in my eyes.

"I'll miss you more, Autumn ill see you in a couple days though because it's summer break and i want to see Jack!" he gives me a soft smile.

"Love you" i give him a hug.

"Love you too Auts" he gives me a kiss on the forehead as i get in the trailer and start driving to Monte Carlo.

I get to the bottom of England after an hour since London isn't very far from Dover. I wait for the ferry to arrive and i look in the camera and can see Jack munching on his hay extremely relaxed.

I put some music on and 15 minutes later the ferry arrives and everyone starts driving on. I park up and get out of the trailer and go into the side door to give Jack some water and check on him. I stay with him for a few minutes then leave to go look at the ocean and take a photo and put it on my Instagram story.


I go back into the trailer through the side door and take Jack's lead rope off so he can lay down and go to sleep

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I go back into the trailer through the side door and take Jack's lead rope off so he can lay down and go to sleep. I stroke him on the head.

"Good boy Jack, we'll be in France soon then you can stretch your legs before we go to Monaco"

I get up and shut the door walking to the front of the van grabbing my backpack of some toiletries and clothes for tomorrow and make my way up to the bedrooms and get ready for bed.

I text george to let him know we're okay.

 I plugged my charger in and quickly check on the camera to see how Jack was doing and he was asleep snoring

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I plugged my charger in and quickly check on the camera to see how Jack was doing and he was asleep snoring. I put my phone on charge and set an alarm for 5:30am 1 hour before we arrive at France. I get into bed and fall asleep.

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