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Once me and Jack had finished warming up with our Group in the back arena so no one could see us we heard an announcement.

"Group C is up next. Jake Green to Arena 1, Autumn Russell, please make your final preparations"

"We're up next boy" i say nervously giving Jack a treat and putting my show helmet and gloves on.

"Good luck Jake!"

"Thanks Autumn" he smiles and walks off with Smoke.

Smoke knocks 4 poles down which gives them 20 faults.

"That was Jake Green on Storm Cloud with 20 faults" the announcer said.

"Well done Jake, you tried you best" i say while a small smile when they walk back in.

"Yeah, thanks" he smiles back.

"Autumn Russell to Arena 1 please, Sophie Phillips, please make your final preparations" the announcer spoke through the speakers.

"Looks like it's us now" i say mounting Jack.

We walk out of the stable block and to the outdoor arena and the show hands open the gates for us and the crowd cheers.

"Drown the noise out mate, down it out" i try to encourage Jack a bit.

We get into the arena and i kick him into a canter and we come round to the first jump, we clear it.

"Good boy, 11 more to go" i whisper patting his neck.

We clear 7 more jumps and we and coming up to the high triple jump. I look up and catch Charles' eyes smiling and looking at me in awe.

"Cmon Jack we've got this" i kick him on and give him a smack with the whip on his shoulder to get him going. We approach the first jump and i click him on and we cleared all 3.

"LETS GOO!!" i scream giving him hard pats on his neck.

"That was Autumn Russell on Fire on Fire with a clear round" i hear on the announcements.

"Well done boy, im so fucking proud of you" i smile with tears in my eyes.

We walk out the arena and i dismount and walk him back to the block and put him in his stable.

"Well done! You did so good!" Jake smiles and gives me a hug.

"Thank you!" i smile.

I go back to Jack and loosen his girth and he has some water. I sit on my phone for a bit waiting for everyone to finish. After scrolling through Instagram for a bit i see a post from Charles.


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So proud of these two, they did amazing!! ❤️ @autumnrussell

Once everyone was finished their round we all walked back into the arena.

"In 3rd place we have Pheonix Rising, ridden and owned by Thomas Wood. In 2nd place we have Moonlight's Glory ridden by Susan Wright and owned by Luke Green. Finally, we have Fire on Fire ridden and owned by Autumn Russell! Huge congratulations to you all!" The princess of Monaco says and gives us our rosettes.

"Well done" she smiles and pats Jack and walks off.

We walk to the edge of the arena and I kick Jack in into a gallop and do our ride of honour holding the rosette up and giving him some pats.

After the ride of honour we go back and i untack Jack. I  start packing up putting everything in the lorry. I walk back to the stable to get Jack and put his head collar on.

"Well done, i'm so proud of you!" someone says to me and i look, it's Charles.

I rush over to him a give him a big hug. "Thank you! We did better than i thought"

"You did amazing" he smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

I go and grab Jack leading him out and i see Charles talking to 2 boys and a woman. Must be his family.

Once i finished loading Jack up i take my boots, gloves and helmet off and change into my battered white Air Force 1's and an Le Mieux cap in Black. I go back to talk to Charles.

"Hey Autumn, this is my mum Pascale, my older brother Lorenzo and my little brother Arthur" he smiles and introduces me.

"Hey guys!" i smile

"It's lovely to meet you dear, you did amazing" Pascale says to me and gives me a quick hug.

After talking to them for a few minutes i leave and drive home. I finish unpacking the stuff and put Jack in the field for the night. I go back inside and make some dinner and post on my Instagram.


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Words cannot describe how proud i am of Jack today. He did so well getting us 1st place. Now gotta rest up for the upcoming shows soon ❤️

I decide to text George in the morning as he's probably busy and head to sleep.


Forgot to post this yesterday sorry guys!! x

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