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I wake up the next morning around 9am, exhausted after yesterday. I put my hair into a messy bun and change into some yard clothes and my Air Forces.

Once i'm changed, i quickly check my phone and see that Charles text me, so i reply.

Once i'm changed, i quickly check my phone and see that Charles text me, so i reply

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Then, i go outside grabs Jack's head collar and go see him.

"Morning boy!" i shout to him and he comes galloping over from the over side of the field.

I lead him out of the field and walk into the stables. "What are your thoughts on having a friend to play with?" i ask and his ears perk up and go forward.

I put him into his stable and take his rug and head collar off and walk into the feed room. Great, his food's not been prepared.

I grab his bucket and place 2 scoops of ready mash, 1 scoop of chaff and a half a scoop of alpha pellets. I put some water in and give it a mix. Once it was mixed, i added all of his supplements in.

After finishing, i walk out and lock the feed room and go back to his stable and place his bucket down. I pull my phone out, 10:15am. I need to get ready.

I go back to the house and change into a nicer outfit, do a bit of makeup and straighten my hair.

I hear charles' car pull up so i grab my phone and rush outside

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I hear charles' car pull up so i grab my phone and rush outside.

"Good morning handsome" i smile and i can see him blush while i turn around to lock the door.

"Good morning" he smiles back. "Wheres your R34?"

"Over there" i point behind us near the garage.

"Oh i didn't see it" he laughs and goes to open my door for me.

"Thank you" i smile. What a gentleman.

He gets in and starts to drives to his house and i get a notification off of Instagram that @arthur_leclerc started following me, so i followed him back. I get another notification from him and i press on it.

@arthur_leclerc: hey! im charles' little brother

@autumnrussell: oh hey!

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