Chapter: 7 Idunn

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"STEPHEN!"Odin roared

The servant came running down the halls and bowed quickly to the king. "Your majesty."

"Loki has informed me that your power is growing immensely and he thinks you're ready to become one of us."

"I'm sorry what do you mean?"

With a snap of his fingers, Odin teleported them to a luxurious garden full of animals, fruits, and flowers. They walked until they reached a clearing with a large tree surrounded by moss-covered rocks. From its branches grew golden apples that glowed like the sun. Strange Saw a teenage-looking girl. Her eyes matched the glow of the tree, with coiled hair coloured like a soft sunrise. She had skin as dark as night, her undertones sparkling like stars. The man noticed her clothing, they were made from the earth, vines, flowers and soil.

A large smile grew on her face as they approached. Odin gave her a short bow and introduced Stephen to her, then exchanged a few words with her in their native tongue Strange listening intently. Odin waved goodbye, and the mortal looked at the woman before him. "Your name Is Stephen Strange, Servent of Loki and god of...what are you the god of?"Strange just stared at her he thought about himself, what was his special thing, his purpose. Odin was the all-father, Frigga goddess of marriage, motherhood and the like. Mani was the god of the moon but what was he? Was it associated with Loki in any way, Thor was the thunder god, and Loki was the god of mischief, deception, darkness, and snakes, but what did Stephen do? He served him, he was loyal to him, obsessed he was obsessed. He killed people for him, subservience maybe? "Let's see" Idunn looks into the mortal's eyes and smiles "I see something dark within you." She spoke softly. He asked if that was a bad thing and she said no. " We have tons of gods associated with dark things, and Odin just tells me who is worthy."

"I'm worthy?"

"He wants my opinion on it." her voice began to echo "What have you done? how have you proved yourself to Odin?"

"I don't think I have yet" Strange took a step back as her eyes lit up even brighter, she explained that Odin often has people prove themselves by doing a great feat for Asgard, Strange nodded as she went through the Marriot of tests other gods went through. They walked through the garden as it slowly faded into dark woods with twisted creatures, stalking their every move. Strange wondered if they'd attacked but seeing that the girl was calm he simply followed after. "Where are we going, if I may ask?"

"The testing area"The girl spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Im Idunn" She came to a giant tree, twisting into the sky, she placed her hand on the bark and gestured with her head for Strange to do the same. once he did so they were sucked into the tree.


A  Dark, cold yet reassuring void. lights started to slowly blink into existence. "Let's look into your mind. What is your purpose?" Before Strange could respond with his voice, his mind did for him by materializing Loki into existence. "I see. Why do you do the things you do?"  Another Loki materialized. "what can you not live without" Another then another. Every question, everything he did was for Loki, always. "...well then, I'm pretty sure your mind doesn't lie"

"This is humiliating"Strange huffed. The goddess waved her hand and six giant wolves formed from the void. "what's this?"  His eyes locked on beasts as they began to circle one of the Lokis in his head. "LOKI!" He roared. The void shook, the ground beneath them cracking, he ran towards the wolves slaughtering every single one of them. ripping them to shreds, the void turns into a room of mirror, he saw himself with glowing green eyes, dripping nine arm-like tendrils made of black smoke that defied gravity. with hundreds of snake-like tail writhing and screaming. "lllllOOOOoookkkkiii!" he saw his king with an ornate crown and large white wings, pulling him closer with a pink ribbon, he ran closer, letting the wings envelop him, he felt the warmth of the wings turn cold and slick, his body crushing under its weight. A snake was squeezing him, suffocating him but he just smiled as he let himself be swallowed whole.

Idunn tilted her head at the display, letting the tree's bark open back up to the real world. "well that was something." She chuckled,  as the tree spat out Stephen. " He did say something about your head, but I didn't expect to see that, something I've seen before."

"Lok..." Strange struggled to his feet.

" I wonder what path you'll go down though?, many gods have seen themselves as monsters...well Fenrir is a monster so I guess that one makes sense, and there was Hela but she embraced that."

"Who are they?"

"...anyway let's get you back to the golden tree, so I can give you an apple."

".... what's so special about these apples, and was looking into my head the test or was it to fuck with me?"

"Odin told me to make it quick so I just wanted to see where your headspace was."

Strange followed behind her back to the tree. "I need therapy. and again why are these so special?"

"What therapy?" strange didn't answer her question, electing to just take a step back as they reached the tree, She floated up to a branch and picked an apple, she gently placed it into his hand smiling widely as he eyed the golden fruit.

"Can you tell me what's so special about these apples?" He let out a small growl.

"Alright, alright! These apples I grow myself imbued with the power of everlasting life, super strength heightened magical abilities, durability, and speed that sort of thing." Strange stared at her a little skeptical at first. Looking back at the apple in his hands as its light lay upon him. EH took one bite, then another. it tasted like the sweetest apple he had ever had. The apple was gone in a few moments, Idunn instructing him to plant the core next to the roots of the tree.

"So how long for the appl-" Strange slumped over, his breath growing hoarse and his body starting to shut down .he wanted to scream but nothing came out, the strength left his body he gasped for air, trying to reach out to Idunn who stood there horrified.

"You're not Æsir, not Vanir you're Midgardian. you just have Asgardian magic in you, oh no! oh no!" She yelled for help as The mortal's eyes shut for the last time.

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