Chapter 34

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Sitting on the edge of the couch while bouncing my leg out of anxiety I waited impatiently. Hearing the front door open I jump up.

"Alfred is that you?" I called out.

Alfred walks into the living room.

"What took you so long? I have been waiting for you all morning?" I look at his hands for an envelope. "Did you get it? This has been the longest three days of my life!"

"Yes, Sir here is the results." I quickly take it, but before tearing the envelope open, I look at him. "Do you already know?"

"No, Sir."

I nod, then start to tear the envelope open, pulling out the DNA result, and reading it out loud.

Alleged Father; Miano

Child; Amore

The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child. Based on the testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99,9999%.

"Alfred!!! Did you hear what I just read?"

I look at the results with shock, reading it again and again...

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it! With some kind of miracle, I HAVE A GRANDAUGHTER!"

I look at Alfred, screaming with excitement "I have a granddaughter!!! Alfred!!!!"

"Congratulations, Sir!"

"First I need to tell Miano!" A thought popped into my head. I jerk my head to Alfred.

"Alfred? Do you think Miano knew about her? If he knew about her, he's got a lot of explaining to do. I missed a lot of years with Amore."

"Alfred go, get the car ready, we are going to Miano, I want all the answers now!"

"Yes, Sir."

Walking into Miano's room, I watch him busy typing away on his phone.

He has recovered quite well thanks to the treatment he received.

"You look a lot better."

He looks up, notices me then smiles brightly.

"Hello, father! What are you doing here? I thought you said you will come later this afternoon?"

I walk up to Miano taking the seat next to his bed staring intensely at him.

Miano frowns, looking at me and then at Alfred.

"Okay, what happened? I told you I will take better care of myself. I will not overwork myself and pass out again while driving. I promise I have learned my lesson."

I tilt my head at him.

"I was starting to think you are gay... but looks like you know how to use that thing of yours?"

"What are you talking about?" He looks at me confused.

"Did you know you have a daughter, Miano?"

He narrows his eyes at me then bursts out laughing... hahaha... "Yeah, right... hahaha... I know you desperately want a grandchild, but this is going too far, dad. Stop joking with me." He wipes the imaginary tears away.

Holding my hand out to Alfred I motion for him to give me the envelope. Alfred steps forward handing me the envelope. I take it then hold it out for Miano to take.

Miano looks at the envelope and then at me.

"You are not joking?"

"I assume you did not know?"

With shaking hands, he takes the envelope pulling the document out. His eyes grew bigger with every word he read.

"I'm a father..." He whispers to himself.

He looks up at me with tears running down his face,"I have been a father all these years?"

"Yes, Miano. But let's not look back at the past, let's focus on the future. We have a lot to catch up on."

"Is Amore the girl who saved my life, the one who looks exactly like mom and the one you are extremely fond of?"

"That is the one alright."

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Taking it out I look at the caller ID.

"Hold on for a second, I need to take this." I walk a few steps away to answer the call.

"Hello, Rick."

"Ciao, Martin. Do you still see me as your amico?"

"Of course, stop being a nag, I forgot to tell you about Miano's accident. My mind was consumed with other things."

"Like what? Got yourself a new lady friend... it's about time I thought..."

"Rick stop with that bull shit. I have a granddaughter."

"Hahaha, Nice one, Martin stop screwing with me."

"I'm serious. I got the DNA test today."

"You are seriously not messing with me?"

"No, I am not. Remember the girl I told you about who looks just like my Rose. My suspicion was right all along. She's, my granddaughter!"

"Shit Martin... that's the reason I phoned you. I got word that two groups are after her, one group has been hired to kill her and the other one to kidnap her. I thought you wanted to know because last time we spoke you could not stop talking about her."

"WHAT??? AMORE? Are you sure you have the right girl?"

"You know my intel is always 100% correct. Shit is supposed to happen right... Yup... right about now."

"Why are you only calling me now?"

"I only just received the intel, normally they take a while to plan this type of heist, but I guess the client was in a hurry. I assumed you wanted my help, so I already send men over."

"Yes, thank you, Rick"


Ending the call, I look at Miano.

He was already on the edge of the bed looking anxiously at me.

"Two groups have been sent after Amore, one to kill her and the other one to kidnap her."

Miano instantly got off the bed and starts dressing.

"Miano, you just had surgery, you cannot come with me, I will take care of it. Rick's men are the best out there..."

"Dad, how can I stay in bed knowing I can lose the daughter I just found out about."

I hear my phone ring and instantly pick it up.


"She's gone... they took her Martin..."

The color drained from my face as I listen to Rick's words.

Hearing me on the phone with Rick, Miano instantly came over, with the help of Alfred assisting him to walk.

"Do whatever it takes to get her back, I will meet you at your base...and Rick sent the word out to all the clans, that she is MY granddaughter if anyone touches just a hair on her. I will eliminate the whole clan."

"Okay, I'll send the word out. See you later."

Furious I ended the call looking at Miano.

"What happened to Amore?" Miano asks.

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