Chapter One: The Offer

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Isa rolls out of bed, stretching. The morning air feels cool against her bare skin. She stands up, grabbing her robe to put it on. The smooth silk clings to her body as she ties it tightly around her waist. She hears shifting on the bed, causing her to look back. The couple laying there, passed out, move closer together for warmth. A smirk grows on Isa's face as she leaves her room. A few servants are moving around the house, preparing for the day.

"Good morning, Miss Hendriks," one woman smiles. 

"Good morning, Tess," Isa smiles at her. "I think Mister and Missus Evers will probably need some coffee and maybe something to eat."

"Yes ma'am."

Isa starts to walk off, but stops in her tracks.

"Oh, and Tess." 

She looks back at the woman.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I don't want to see you again today. You should be enjoying your anniversary."

A smile grows on Tess's face.

"I will ma'am."

Isa walks up the stairs to the third floor. After her mother had past, she had turned the top floor into her study and master room. It's covered with stacks of books and blankets tossed across most surfaces. Many would call it a mess while Isa likes think of it as organized chaos. Not that many people have seen her room. She rarely 'hosts' people in here. She flops into her desk chair. Hopefully she won't have to see the young couple again for a while. Her fingers wrap around the fountain pen and start writing notes on the parchment in front of her.

After what feels like hours, there is a soft knock on the door. She sets the pen down, ink starting to stain her fingers.

"Enter." The door opens and Tess walks in with a silver tray carrying coffee and food. Isa smiles over at her. "I was trying to hint at you taking the day off."

"I figured someone had to make sure you eat," Tess remarks, setting the tray in front of her.

"And what about your wife?"

"I think she would be disappointed if I left before making sure you ate."

Isa take a bite out of the roll as she notices an envelope sitting on the tray. She picks it up and reads it. 

'Dear Miss Hendriks,

I request a meeting with you at noon today, preferably behind the roses.


Isa sets this down before writing a response. She holds it up and Tess takes it from her. While the servant runs the letter downstairs, Isa continues to eat her breakfast and sip on the bitter coffee. Her eyes keep focusing on the scrawled out words. The handwriting seems so familiar, but she can't place it. 

Tess walks back in before pulling out a dress from the wardrobe and laying it out. A dark green dress with subtle pin stripe pattern. Saints, she hates trying to put these things on. Way too many buttons on the back of it that makes it difficult to get dressed on her own. Not to mention all of the undergarments that are involved.

"Mister Evers signed the papers," Tess informs her as Isa moves towards her makeup vanity.

"Figured he would," the younger female answers as she goes to work on her face. Might as well intrigue this secret person she's going to meet soon. Tess works on pulling Isa's red curls up into an intricate updo. Once she finishes working on the hair, Tess leans forward so her face is near Isa's.

"I hate having to see you go to the lengths you do for your uncle's business."

"It's the family business," Isa mutters, before sitting up more straight. "Besides, it's Ketterdam. It could be a lot worse."

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