Chapter Five: The Darkling

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Isa falls once more. Tolya grabs her hand, pulling her against him. Her back pressed against his front. A smirk grows on her face and she quickly flips over. He lands with a thud on the deck. Two years and she finally succeeded in taking him down. 

"You shouldn't have been nice to her," Sturmhond jokes. 

"Maybe she needs a win," Tamar quietly jokes, her eyes scanning to see if anyone is paying attention. "Given our upcoming job."

Right. The upcoming job. And the people they will have to deal with. Anyone in her situation would be stressed.

"Speaking of which," Sturmhond says softly, "we need to meet in private."

The three nod their head and follow to the captain's quarters. Tolya makes sure the door is closed and leaning against it. The captain sits in his seat and Isa plops into one of the seats across the desk from him.

"Has Privyet secured a ship yet?" she asks as Tamar sits in the seat beside her. Privyet joined six months after Isa and has been an extremely useful to the crew. To the point Sturmhond trusted him with his secret identity.

"Yes. We will be meeting him soon to switch ships. Afterwards, it'll take a day to get to Ravka."

"And then where ever the Darkling decides," Isa sneers under her breath.

"To where Alina Starkov is hiding. And hopefully homebound."

Home. His home, but not hers. She burnt that bridge two years ago. 

"So what we've already discussed then," Tamar points out. "Why are we meeting?"

"Isa's eyes."

"My eyes?" Isa questions.

"I may have not been to court in years, but I remember him distinctly. You have his eyes."

"So we need to hide them?" Tolya guesses.

"Exactly," Sturmhond responds. Isa leans fully back in her seat, crossing her arms.

"And won't the crew notice all of a sudden I have blue or brown, or even green eyes?"

"Which is why we just need it to be different enough. Maybe a hint of another color so no one will really question it. Think they've been misremembering."

Isa looks between the siblings, both shrugging, before looking back at the red headed captain.

"And you don't think that he may also notice I look a lot like my mother."

He shrugs.

"Maybe he won't put it together that his little fling resulted in a child."

"Please don't ever say that again."

He chuckles at that. As much as she tried not to react, she couldn't stop that small smile creeping onto her face. She rolls her eyes. 

"We'll see how much of your idiotic plan works," she teases. 

"It will. My plans always work."

The three crew members look at each other before back at their captain.

"You want the list of failed plans chronologically or alphabetically?" Tamar jokes.

"You all are frustrating," Sturmhond mutters. There is a knock on the door and Tolya opens it. The person spoke too quietly where Isa can't hear them. Tolya nods his head before turning towards the other three.

"A ship is approaching," he states.

"Most likely Privyet," Sturmhond states. He motions towards the twins. "You two can handle this. I need to talk to Isa some more."

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