Chapter Two: The Decision

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Isa carefully steps out of the coach, trying not to trip on the skirts of her dress. Her younger cousin is waiting outside for her. His red hair is messy and he looks worn out. He looks similar to his father, but there are definite features that he received from his mother. But the red hair is definitely a Hendriks trait.

"Father has an additional guest," Wylan warns her as he opens the door. That's odd. Uncle Jan usually informs Isa if there will be additional guests during family dinners. The two cousins walk into the dining room. The table is filled with lavish food and fine dishes. She can hear two distinct, deep laughs come from the parlor before the two men walk in. Her uncle has the same features as his son, just with light hair. Next to him is a man, easily five or six years older than Isa, with dark hair. 

"Welcome Isa," Jan smiles. "May I introduce you to Edwin Visser."

"Pleasure to meet you," Isa says, painting a smile on her face.

"Pleasure is all mine." 

He grabs her hand and lightly kisses the back of it. 

"Let's eat before the food gets cold," Jan smiles before taking his seat at the head of the table. What is he playing at? Is this man another person Jan wants Isa to convince to sign a contract? Edwin pulls out a chair and motions for Isa to take a seat. She accepts. 

"You're beauty is far greater than people say," he informs her before taking a seat himself.

"Oh?" Isa muses, her eyes quickly dart to her uncle. He looks pleased. "And what do people say about my 'beauty'?"

"That a sunrise doesn't compare."

"Oh? And you've seen many sunrises?" she questions as she takes a bite of her dinner.

"Isa," her uncle warns.

"I am just making small talk, Uncle."

"It's fine," Edwin states. "I have. I'm actually a captain of a trading vessel. So I have seen many sunrises."

He starts eating his dinner. 

"I was thinking of holding the wedding in six months time," Jan states. "That should be plenty of time to get Isa a dress and prepare details."

Isa chokes on the wine and quickly uses the cloth napkin to cover her mouth.

"Excuse me?" she questions. "Wedding?"

"Yes," Jan informs her. "You are at the point you should be married. And there is no better suitor than Captain Visser."

"What about my.... duties to the family?"

She had remembered her younger cousin is at the table and figured this was the best way to address it.

"You will be stopping them," Jan states. "Your new duties will be to your husband. And that's the end of discussion."

Rage starts to boil inside of Isa, but she bites her tongue. Saints knows how much trouble she'd be in if she started yelling. The room falls silent, except the sounds of utensils hitting the plates, or cups being placed on the table.

"And which gang are you loyal to?" Isa eventually asks, not looking up from her cutting the slice of lamb on her plate. However, she can hear Edwin choke on his wine. 

"Isa!" Jan snaps, clearly enraged.

"What? If I am to be engaged to someone, I have the right to know who my future husband will be in debt to." In the corner of her eye, she can see Wylan trying so hard not to laugh or even smile. She looks up at Edwin. "Per Haskell? Hm... no. You probably have more lavish taste. Pekka Rollins possibly."

"That is enough!" 

"It's fine," Edwin finally says, wiping his face with the napkin. "Maybe we should discuss this amongst ourselves, Mister Van Eck."

"I agree." Jan sets his napkin down on the table. "Wylan, please show him to the parlor. I will be there shortly."

Wylan looks at Isa with concern. She slightly nods her head to him, letting him know it's okay.

"Yes Father."

He gets up out of his seat and walks with Edwin out of the room. Isa and Jan stand up at once. As she goes to leave, he blocks her way.

"You disrespectful child," he snarls, back handing her across the face. Pain starts to sting on her cheek. She instinctively covers her cheek, which feels warm to the touch already. "I will deal with you later."

With that, he leaves. Like hell is gonna deal with her. Once she can't see him, she does not hesitate to head upstairs. She knows that in his study, he keeps her mother's seal. She is going to leave, but not let him keep that. She slips into the room, quietly closing the door. The study is furnished with a large desk and lavish seats. The back wall has a painting of Jan's father. There is no questions where her uncle gets her looks.

Remembering what her mother told her years ago, Isa slowly swings the painting outwards. Behind is a safe embedded in the wall. Her fingers slowly twist the lock, hearing the faint clicks. Stacks of cash sit in the safe with documents tucked to one side. Two different family seals sit nestled among the items. She reaches for her mother's gold seal before starting grab some cash. She's going to have to pay some people off soon. Isa shoves the items into her hidden pockets in the dress before turning to the door. There is an angry Jan Van Eck. How did he get up here so quickly?

"You think you can steal from me?" he snaps.

"I'm taking what is rightfully mine. Well maybe a few extra kruge that I have earned you."

He starts approaching her and she quickly pick up the letter opener on the desk incase of needing to defend herself. He's close enough she could stab his throat. No. She can't. Wylan has already lost one parent.

"You filthy Grisha child," he snaps. "If it weren't for you being my late wife's niece, I would have thrown you on the streets years ago."

"I have earned you so much fucking money," she snaps. Slowly his words play in her mind. "Wait. You know I'm Grisha?"

"Of course I fucking know. You don't think I wouldn't know about a stain on my family tree."

"Well you just made this a whole lot easier."

She drops the letter opener before making a motion with her hands. Much like how she was taught as a child. Soon the room fills with darkness to the point no one can see. Isa uses the coverage to run out the room and down the hallway. Picking up the front of the skirt of her dress, she hurries down the stairs. 

"Isa?" Wylan asks as she gets to the bottom step. She quickly grabs his shoulders.

"I love you know matter what your father says," she quickly tells him. "Don't let him control you."

She pulls him into a brief hug before taking off out of the door. She runs down the streets of Ketterdam, avoiding any crowds. She leaves the area of the city she knows so well and doesn't stop. Though she regrets being on the run in heels. Her feet are killing her. If she's going to get to the dock without being caught by her uncle, or stadwatch he's most likely going to send, she's going to need help.

As she enters the Barrel, Isa ensures she walks like the rest, acting as if she belongs here. The people who go through here are either tourists feeling lucky or members of various criminal organizations. What was the place her mother told her? Ah. There it it. Slowly she pushes open the door. Men and women all stop what they are doing to look at her.

"I think you have the wrong place, sweety," one person shouts.

"I'm looking for Per Haskell," she states. An older gentleman steps forward.


"Because he owes Eliza Hendricks a favor."

"And what does that have to do with you?"

"I'm  her daughter and I'm here to collect."

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