Chapter Nine: Court

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Isa sits besides the group of soldiers as Nikolai goes into the tent to talk with Mal and Alina. Tamar quickly walks over and sits beside her. The soldiers are joking around, or passing stories. One girl hands a flask over towards Isa. She thanks her before taking a swig and handing it over. Oh Saints. That's awful. She tries to keep a straight face so they can't tell. A couple must have though because they chuckle.

"Cheap kvas," the girl informs Isa.

"Not what I was expecting," she jokes. Tamar takes a swig from the flask and continues to pass it down. Stories start being passed around. Some so fantastical, it can't be true. Others mundane one of farms or towns people grew up in. Every so often, Isa glances towards the tent. Eventually the prince steps out. He locks eyes with Isa; motioning for her to come over before dipping back into the tent. She politely excuses herself and walks into the tent. Nikolai standing near the entrance. It's odd seeing him with blond hair since he's been a redhead for the past couple years.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness?" she teases while awkwardly bowing.

"Don't do that," he huffs.

"Whatever you order."


She smirks at him. It's obvious he's trying to hold back a smile. She looks past him to see Alina and Mal watching the two. The tent has some cots set up and a table with some chairs. Isa goes and plops down in one of the chairs.

"You know we make the trek to the palace tomorrow," Nikolai reminds her. Right. The palace. The homes of the royals in Os Alta. 

"Of course."

"Are you still willing to proclaim yourself as Grisha?"

"You can't!" Alina snaps, stepping forward. "The king will most likely kill you."

"There's a chance the king will also kill you," Isa reminds her. "But you're still going."

"But I'm not the daughter of Ravka's enemy."

Isa shrugs. "Worth the risk. I need to learn to control my gifts. If I die before doing so, oh well."

Though she would prefer not to die. Honestly, the king's reaction terrifies her. But her options are limited now. 

"She'll be under my protection, Alina," Nikolai promises. "Just like the two of you."

Tolya and Tamar slip into the tent. Nikolai looks at the two of them before looking at Isa.

"Until you are presented to the king, you will only be know as Isa Hendriks, daughter of Eliza Hendriks."

"So not the dreaded pirate, Koja?" Isa chuckles.

"Well I can't go by Sturmhond," the prince laughs. "I know you don't want to return to just being a merchant's granddaughter-"

"But it's the safest way," Isa finishes.

"Couldn't she just travel as a nobody?" Mal asks.

"Doesn't work out that way when some of the upper class of Ravka knows me," Isa informs him.

"So the next best thing is for her to do the same as me," Nikolai states. "Letting people see the side they expect. Now if you will excuse me. I have arrangements to work out."

With that he slips out of the tent with Tamar. Isa locks eyes with Tolya, who slightly nods his head and leaves. 


The following day, Nikolai managed to procure a some dresses for Alina and Isa. When he had handed Isa a dress, she looked over towards Tolya.

"And he wonders why I hate him at times," she had joked, causing him to stifle a laugh. 

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