Chapter Four: Under the Stars

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The sounds of blades echo as Isa tries to keep up with Sturmhond. The captain insisted she worked on her fighting skills since she can't use her abilities. Even though her mother had her learn the basics of fighting, she can barely keep up with him. 

"You got to stop flapping your arms," the captain states as he withdraws from the fight. "You look like a bird."

She nods her head.

"Maybe swords aren't her thing," Tamar states. "How are you at hand-to-hand?"

"Decent," Isa responds. "Not the best."

Tolya steps up. 

"Why don't you go against me?" he offers. 

"You won't have to hold back with him," Tamar chuckles, noticing the look on the Isa's face.

"I'm not worried about that," she jokes. "I think I'm going to make a fool of myself."

"Best way to learn is to lose," Sturmhond informs her. "You'll learn your weakness that way."

"You sound like my mother," Isa mutters as she hands him the sword. Tolya  steps up and Isa stretches her arms. She starts bouncing between her feet a bit. Tolya throws a punch and she quickly dodges. He goes for another swing and she barely avoids it. He keeps throwing punches and she tries her best to avoid them. She barely manages it though. 

Breaths burn her lungs and exhaustion start to weigh down her muscles. She's gone too long without using her abilities. No way is she going to last long enough if she keeps this up. Isa quickly changes her tactics though, moving in closer. She brings her leg up, kicking Tolya in the ribs. He lets out a grunt in pain, but quickly grabs her leg, pulling her closer. She looses her footing and falls onto the wooden deck. Isa struggles to catch her breath as Tolya pins her to the ground. 

"You win," she huffs. He studies her face for a second before pulling her to her feet. "Let's go another round."

"Don't push yourself."

"I want to get better," she responds, ignoring the fact her body is screaming no to another fight. "Who knows. Maybe I'll win this time."

Tolya shakes his head slightly before getting into position to go again.


Isa lays on the deck of the ship, staring at the stars. She could barely see them in Ketterdam. They are so beautiful and more than she expected. She hears footsteps, causing her to turn her head. Tolya is approaching. The light from the lantern he holds casts shadows across his face.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Appreciating the stars," she responds, standing up. Tolya sets the lantern on a barrel holding extra rope. "Figured I'd enjoy the world we live in."

He walks closer as she hoists herself up on the railing. She notices the way his looking at her as she takes off her shoes.

"I'm not going to jump," she jokes, standing up. She holds out her arms and start walking, trying to keep her balance. Tolya walks along side her on the deck.

"What was that about your mother?" Tolya asks.


"Earlier I heard you mention your mother."

"Oh. She kept insisting I became perfect in every field."

"Interesting mother."

"Well to be fair, she was trying to raise a daughter in a patriarchal society without a husband. What were you parents like?"

"Trying to change the subject?"

"Yes. What were they like?"

He chuckles, shaking his head.

"My mother passed when Tamar and I were young. Our father raised us in Novyi Zem. I remember him teaching me Ravkan Epics. I actually liked them so much, I memorized some of them."

"I loved reading the Epics as a kid," she says softly, smiling at the thought. 


"Yes. Actually they were part of the reason why I started writing."

"Well now I wasn't expecting that."

Isa stops, looking down at him. Three months on the ship and this is the longest conversation they have had. After first she thought it was because he hated her; but she had learned it was because he was figuring her out. Apparently he was like that with several other members of the crew when they first joined. 

The ship rocks to the side just enough, causing her to lose balance. Tolya quickly reaches out, grabbing her waist. He carefully sets her back down on the deck. Thank the Saints it's dark or else he would see her turning red. Wait, shit! He can probably sense her heart racing. He lets go of her and takes a step back.

"How are feeling?" he asks. Shit! He noticed!

"Fine," she quickly responds, trying to keep calm.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I noticed you were struggling earlier while we were sparring."

"Because you're better than me."

"And because you're not taking care of yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"When was the last time you used your abilities?"

Three months ago. When she first joined the crew. Grishas have to use their abilities every so often or they can get sick. Isa noticed years ago how quickly it seems to effect her body when she avoids messing with the shadows around her. 

"I've gone longer without it."

Which is true. Grishas in Kerch are often treated as second class and used by others. And though she would be used to get people to agree to her uncle's deals, she still had some freedom when no one knew about her being Grisha. Though, with what happened with her uncle, who knows how many will know about that if she ever tries to return home.

"That doesn't matter," Tolya states. "Even my sister and I need to use our abilities every now and then."

"I'm fine. I promise."

"I don't believe you."

Isa huffs in frustration. 

"Well whether your right or not, why do you care?"

"Because we're on the same crew and I don't want anyone getting hurt just because you're not doing your best. That includes you."

Isa falls silent, processing what he said. He has a valid point. But there is the issue of her not wanting anyone know about who her father is. At least not yet anyway. 

"Well what should I do then?"

"Practice. Then you won't only be better, but also stronger."

"And how do you suggest I do that?"

"At night. And Tamar and I can help you."

A smirk grows on her face as she leans back against the railing.

"Aren't you two Heartrenders? I think that's a different class than Summoners."

"Yes, but we're only Grishas here that know your secret. Plus I think we understand how Summoners work well enough."

"And you're just going to volunteer your sister like that?"

"She'll help."

Isa looks up at the moon for a moment, thinking.

"Deal," she responds, looking back at him. "But you'll have to retell your favorite Epics then."

A smile grows across his face.


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