Welcome A/N

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Yes it's been a while. Yes I'm doing this. No I don't simp for a car and I'm not attracted to a car, I'm attracted to the personality that Pixar chose to attach TO a car. So let's take the character's personality and slap it onto a human with a physical human form to not make this seem like I'm nuts. Also waypast-cool  is the one who suggested this to me so don't just go after me lmaoooo. I don't know if I'm necessarily returning to Wattpad yet, so please don't ask about me updating my other books because right now I don't want to and will not do so. We just wanted this story to become a thing and here I am to write it because I can't help myself sometimes. Anyway enjoy and I can't wait to see the "what am I even doing here" and "I searched but didn't expect anything to come up" and "who the hell even likes a car jfkhelgehfksj" comments because I know it's gonna happen regardless. And I know y'all searched for this because you wanted it and that's why you're here so don't pretend I'M the weird one for writing it y'all are just as guilty lmao. Anyway enjoy :)

Human!Lightning McQueen x Reader (Title TBD)Where stories live. Discover now