Getting Cozier

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(A/N: Not waypast-cool wanting me to write this book and then NEVER coming back for all these updates. Get over here man.)

You just couldn't go to sleep that night. Everything just felt weird. Ever since you had slipped the racer's jackets off your shoulders, a strange coldness enveloped you. Not just that, but ever since you had run off, leaving the racer alone in a cell, you had felt restless. At first, you didn't have a clue why, but as the hours went on, you started to realize the source. For some reason, almost out of the blue, and as much as you didn't want to admit it, you wanted to see him again. You were anxious to see him again.

The more he flowed through your thoughts, the more you began to panic. If this truly meant what you thought it was, the inability to rid him from your mind, the want to be around him, the emptiness you started to feel when no longer in his presence, then you were sure Doc would have your head! There is absolutely no way he would approve of this if you actually were starting to harbor feelings for the cocky racer boy. The old man was furious at the thought of you merely attending a race as it was, so imagine his fury about wanting to go against yet another thing on his list: dating a young, cocky racer!

"Nope!" You told yourself with a swish of your head, clenching your eyes shut as your fingers came to tightly grasp your noggin. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!" Pacing around the room anxiously, you began to talk to yourself aloud, desperately trying to use your brain to reason with your heart and come back to your senses. "No! You are not falling for a cocky and selfish boy! He's only going to hurt you down the road! Listen to Doc, (Y/N). You know he's right on this one!"

But alas, all the reasoning in the world would not save you from the dangerous trap you were falling into. You were starting to fall for the famous racer in red. There was no doubt about it, and at this point, you were running out of energy—heck, even the will entirely—to keep fighting to prevent what was nothing short of inevitable. That much was clear to you now.

So that was that. You were falling for him, couldn't stop falling for him, and decided to accept your fate. Although, it wasn't exactly going to be a graceful acceptance. Definitely not one with open arms at least. However, there was still a problem nagging at the back of your mind.

The reason as to why you suddenly slipped out so quickly earlier... Well, while that was the result of many things, some of which had now been settled thankfully, one of the biggest things was that you simply couldn't bear to see the racer like that in those conditions. Alone... In an uncomfortable cot... In a jail cell no less. You knew all too well what Sheriff's cells felt like.

No, no! You had never done anything illegal, never even anything close to that! But you  been in a cell once. The door was always open, so you were free to come and go, but it had been your room for a very, very short period of time. So you knew how sad and empty it was in there. You knew how much the cot hurt to even just sit on. You knew how miserable it was, and couldn't fathom the thought of McQueen having to spend every night sleeping in there like he has.

But there was another reason why you left so quickly. You recalled everything vividly, even to this day all these years later...

You were young, maybe only five or six years old. While at the time you knew what was happening, you no longer had any memory of what was happening to have put you in that situation way back when. All you knew is that you were being driven out to the middle of nowhere by a man and a very young and beautiful. At the very least, you could say with conviction that the woman was your mother. However, the image of her and the details of her appearance had nearly completely faded from your memory by now. As for the man, you wanted to believe it was your father, but you weren't sure anymore. It had to have been, right?

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