(Y/N)'s Strife

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Yesterday night, shortly after the race ended...

You sped on over to Doc Hudson's medical clinic, a hopeful smile on your face. You desperately wanted to tell him about the tie-breaker race headed your guys' way. Drifting your car off the road and into the sand beside the building, you gracefully slipped right out of the car's window. You ran up to the doors but stopped before going inside to jump around, give a few hops, and get the rest of your childish jitters of excitement out of your system. Then, holding perfect posture and looking calm and mature, you quietly, and normally, walked through the double doors.

"Doc?" You called out, but received no response. The clinic lights were still on, so surely he hadn't gone to bed yet. That also meant he hadn't traveled too far and must've been around there somewhere close by.

Going through the doors at the back of the medical facility, graciously marked with a large plaque that read 'DOC HUDSON ONLY' in all caps, you knocked on the door and received no response even still. You cautiously opened the door, revealing his house that was attached to his business. Although all the lights were off, his bed was empty, meaning he wasn't there.

Now having a pretty good idea of where he was at, you shrugged and closed the door, then proceeded to exit the facility all together. Heading around back, you approached the old rickety garage doors made of shotty wooden planks. The doors were plastered with countless signs telling visitors 'no trespassing allowed' and 'keep out' in either bolded or red letters.

Gently knocking on the wood, you heard some shuffling and it sounded like something was dropped by mistake, a book of sorts. "Now who the heck is knockin' at this hour!?" A soft yet coarse and raspy voice could be heard mumbling, clearly quite annoyed to have been disturbed at what really was a late, late hour.

Seconds later, and a few shuffled movements more, you heard footsteps approaching the garage doors. They opened slightly, just enough for the man inside to look out and see who needed to bother him without them being able to see in. His stern and intimidating expression melted into a calm and relaxed one though when his eyes met yours.

"Hey, Doc." You smiled with a small wave.

"Oh, it's just you." He replied, opening the door wider to allow you to walk inside. Cautiously looking around outside, needing to make certain for himself that nobody else was in sight, he finally closed the garage doors. "What in the world are you doing up so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing." You smiled. "And especially in here of all places. I know you don't like coming in here much."

Doc sighed. "I just needed... I was looking for something."

You chose not to question further. It wasn't your place, and you didn't want to make Doc feel cornered and forced to talk about things he didn't want to talk about. "Alrighty. That's cool, that's cool."

"Now, waddaya need?" He asked you quietly as he put his hands on his hips.

You began to take deep breaths to help yourself stay calm as you were about to explain the absolute most exciting news in the world. Moving your hands up and down fluidly in sync with your calming breaths, you eventually took one deep exhale. And just as you were about to speak, the excitement came flooding back all too fast. "There was a three-way tie for the Piston Cup race tonight and the tie-breaker is gonna be held here in California and I would really really love to go!"

Doc could only stare at you with wide, bewildered eyes at the rushed, muddled words of jibberish that flew past your lips faster than the speed of light. He was completely at a loss as to what exactly had even just come out of your mouth.

Human!Lightning McQueen x Reader (Title TBD)Where stories live. Discover now