Get to Work!

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Everyone slowly filtered out of town hall. The last to leave were you, Doc, Mater, and annoyed McQueen. You watched everyone get into their cars and drive away, jealousy starting to bubble inside you. You wanted to flee the scene too, but you were stuck. While Mater walked off to get his tow truck, and in turn bring McQueen's race car back with him, and while Doc went off to grab Bessie, you were told to watch after the delinquent rookie. But no talking to each other, as Doc had ordered gruffly! The two of your were currently standing with your backs against a building, a faded mural of Radiator Springs painted in its brick surface that read, "Radiator Springs. A happy place." The scowls on your faces gave the impression of a completely different narrative, however.

"Great!" You heard McQueen groan out after what seemed like endless uncomfortable hours of silence. It was only probably a minute or two in reality, though. "I should be in California hanging out with Dinoco right now, but no! I just had to get stuck in the middle of nowhere held against my will by a bunch of crazy hillbillies."

"Oh, quit your whining." You told him sternly, wishing that you could've gone to get Mater's truck or help with Bessie so that either Mater or someone else could've kept their eyes on the rookie you despised. "The only reason you got stuck here is because you just had to be a show-off at that race!"

McQueen's eyes widened at your comment. "Wait, you watched the race!?" He then got a sly look of amusement on his face as he leaned slightly closer to you. "Ooh, are you a fan of mine?"

"I don't choose favorites." You replied honestly, still an edge to your voice. "And even if I did, I would never be a fan of you. I mean, who doesn't take at least one pit stop for tires?" You then turned to face him and pointed at him accusingly. "A cocky, brainless idiot! That's who!"

"Listen," McQueen started, sounding offended now rather than proud and cocky, "Everything I did was according to plan. I just wanted to give the race a little flair is all." It was his turn to point at you accusingly. "And for the record, I work alone, so I don't need some random country girl getting in my face trying to tell me what's what."

"I'm just saying! You wouldn't have even needed to come out here if you had just stopped for some tires like any other smart and respectable racer!" You retorted, amused by his ignorance.

"Oh, so you're a racing expert, huh?"

"I know a thing or two!"

McQueen huffed angrily, tightly crossing his arms across his chest with a frustrated scowl on his face. "Yeah, sure, whatever!" He sang out. "Keep telling yourself that. Just because you watch a few races on TV doesn't make you an expert."

Suddenly, the sound of a loud engine began to quickly approach, soon followed by the sound of bubbling and hissing. "Hey!" You heard Doc shout as he leaned his head out of his old rickety blue car, which had been towing the relatively dormant Bessie. It surely looked easy to drag the thing along, but wait until it's actually up and running. "I better not've just seen you two talkin'!"

You let out a scoff while McQueen let out a huff. "As if!" You two retorted in sync.

Then, Mater finally came back, hazardously whipping around the corner and flinging McQueen's car off his tow cable. "Hey! Easy on my car!" McQueen shouted out.

Mater chuckled, getting out of his truck to stand besides the flashy car. Although you didn't care for Lightning McQueen, you absolutely loved his car. It looked pretty cool in person, but it would've looked better if it wasn't so dusty, somewhat beaten up, and was sitting under some bright lights to give it an extra glossy shine. You weren't afraid to admit that you would've loved to take it out for a spin, but you would never tell the rookie that to his face.

Human!Lightning McQueen x Reader (Title TBD)Where stories live. Discover now