I Can't Stand You

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(A/N: Merry Crimmus)

You awoke at the break of dawn. You don't know why your body decided to wake itself up so early, especially considering how you usually woke up later than what most would consider normal, but you figured it was just one of those weird days. Tossing and turning, trying to find a new position your body deemed comfortable, you tried to fall back asleep. However, you clearly woke up for a reason, that reason simply being your body just wasn't tired anymore. This was obviously a struggle you had no chance of winning, so with a defeated roll of your eyes, you got out of bed.

Going through your morning routine went by easy. It was the usual, nothing special. Getting dressed, freshening up, getting something to eat. Feeling like you were just going through the motions, you felt pretty certain that today was just going to be a day just like any other. Until, that is, you stepped outside.

The town was still quiet, your friends still fast asleep, underneath the reddish pink sky that was slowly turning ever bluer. But there was something different. A peculiar aroma of sorts drifting through the brisk morning air. It smelled like something fresh, something new, something...warm.

Rubbing away the sleepiness from your still awakening eyes, they nearly popped out of their sockets when you took in the sight before you. A section of the main road, a rather large portion of it, freshly paved and complete, needing nothing more than road lines to be painted on. The tar was sleek and shiny. When you approached it to get a feel of it, you were astounded by just how smooth it was. There were no imperfections whatsoever. It was perfection.

"Wow..." You whispered to yourself in awe. Radiator Springs was never the nicest or newest town you could've been in, you knew that much. But since you never left, you had never seen anything that looked new, brand new especially. And if this is what a fresh new road looked like, well, it was certainly like a dream you would never want to wake up from. What you wouldn't give to take your car out for a spin on just a divine surface, but alas, your car was still being fixed up by Ramone.

All you could do was stand there and take it all in. You couldn't bring yourself to move or look away from it, almost in fear that if you were to so much as blink, it would all disappear before your very eyes. The road was beautiful, that's all there was to it. However, you couldn't help the small frown that came to your face when you realized just how dumpy and run down your hometown truly looked. The brand new road really did make Radiator Springs look like a sad, desolate, homeless type of home. It was a love-hate relationship. Beautiful road that only enhanced out the ugly of the town.

"Imagine if this whole town got fixed up." You sighed, letting your imagination run wild. You had heard stories from the townsfolk, mostly Flo and Ramone, about how great and wonderful little Radiator Springs had been back then. What you wouldn't give to see it like it was then. You still loved the quaint little town regardless, but it would be nice to see it in its former glory. What should still today be it's reality.

As much as you didn't want to admit it, didn't want to give any kind of compliment or satisfaction to such a miserable and cocky human being, McQueen had truly done some amazing work. You were grateful to see it, just not grateful to have to see him and deal with him. Speaking of...

That's when you realized the town was too quiet for having such a complainer around. It really was like night and day, how he had been so vocal about his frustration and dismay as you went to bed but made not a peep since you awoke. Especially since everyone was still asleep, it sure would be easy to just run off!

You looked around, a troubled look on your face. "Where is McQueen?" Eventually, your eyes landed on Bessie, resting completely still on the dirt of the roadside. Not only was the cocky racer missing, but his car was too. There was no way he would've been able to unhook the car by himself, right? If that's the case, then someone knew he was away from his duties. In fact, someone probably took him away from his duties.

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