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(A/N: Remember, this is going off the fact that the events of the movie took place in the year 2005, NOT 2006. Upon beating the Cars video game, which takes place the year after the events of the movie, it shows that you win the 2006 Piston Cup. Hence the movie taking placing in 2005. Also made this fit in with the timeline of Doc's history (video above) where he officially moved to Radiator Springs around the 60s. Also it's 4 AM and I'm beyond exhausted. Enjoy.)

"Psst. (Y/N)." Someone whispered, starting you and ripping you right from your sleep.

"Gah!" You exclaimed in fear, pushing yourself up off the bed with your arms. You had apparently rolled onto your stomach while asleep. Groggily looking at the doorway, you saw...ugh, Doc. An annoyed scowl rose to your face, the corner of your nose scrunching upwards as you narrowed your eyes in disgust. "What do you want?" You huffed, flopping around onto your side with your back facing your father.

Although you hadn't actually given permission, he took your words as an invitation as you didn't yell at him to get out or leave like he had expected you to, and so he walked into your room and quietly closed the door behind him. "Mind if I talk to ya for a second?" He asked quietly.

"About what?" You scowled. "There's nothing to talk about."

Doc let out a sigh, but you couldn't read the emotion behind it. You heard slightly rustling before you heard leather hitting the floor softly. Then, quiet footsteps on the carpet could be heard approaching. You figured he had taken his shoes off before stepping foot on your carpet, which you very much appreciated as you hated having to clean mud and dirt out of it, it was a real pain. You then felt a big dip near the foot of your bed. Still you refused to look at Doc, who was now sitting on the edge of your bed.

"Look, kid... I didn't know that the rookie leaving was going to affect you so much."

"Of course you didn't." You scoffed. "You know nothing about me. All you care about is keeping me from racing."

The old man stayed silent for a moment, acknowledging your words and your hurt by pausing to let them linger before continuing. "Well, if I had known, I never would've called them."

"But you did." You spat, curling yourself up further into a ball. "And there's no changing that. We're never going to see him again, especially not with him knowing that you hate him and because of that, you don't want him to be with me because I'm your 'daughter'." The sarcastic emphasis you added in stung Doc a little.

He said nothing, but you felt something fairly light he placed down onto your hip ever so carefully, wiggling slightly as it tried to balance. You waited for him to say something more, but his ominous silence piqued your interest and you turned to look at whatever it was that was resting on your body. It was a binder, looking rather beaten and weathered with a good coat of dust resting on it. You could see where Doc had grabbed it, the fingerprints left behind looking very fresh and new.

You sent him a questioning look, to which he responded with, "This is something long past due. I should've never kept this from you." Taken aback by his statement, you slowly sat up in bed and pulled the binder onto your lap. Unsure about what lie within, you gingerly traced the side of the binder with your finger, eventually finding the courage to peer inside.

What lay within were countless pictures that left you in awe. They all focused on a man who looked so very familiar to you, but you couldn't quite place your finger on it. He was dressed in a racing suit much like McQueen's, but it was colored a flashy yellow and looked slightly dated, maybe retro. You couldn't read any of the stickers or sponsor labels, unfortunately. The man looked to be around his late twenties, with graceful green eyes and hair of a familiar (h/c) shade.

Human!Lightning McQueen x Reader (Title TBD)Where stories live. Discover now