Mater's Idea of 'Fun'

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(A/N: Could not stop dying of laughter as I kept imagining this playing in my head 😭. Really try to picture this one guys I swear)

You stood outside the rusty gates of Mater's truck yard, impatiently tapping your foot in the dirt repeatedly as you kept your arms firmly crossed over your chest. Sheriff was going to be over any minute now to drop off McQueen, and it didn't seem like the young country boy was coming out of his shack anytime soon.

"C'mon, Mater..." You whined to yourself, voice nothing more than a whisper. Dread filled you up inside at the thought of having to be left alone with McQueen for even one minute. You still couldn't stand him, but you were at least getting better with trying to deal with it. Awkwardness from your earlier interaction with the racer was also still ransacking your brain, making you further not want to really see him at the moment. Those, combined with nervousness which you had no clue where that was coming from, was making you feel nothing short of uncomfortable. The uncertainty of not knowing when McQueen would be brought over and not knowing when Mater would finally come outside wasn't helping.

Continuing to wait impatiently and full of dread, you couldn't help twirling the toe of your shoe around in the dirt beneath you in thought, wondering just what Mater had in mind for tonight. Although he was always up for anything and everything, you also had no clue what he had planned because he loved to do anything and everything. You finally unwrapped your arms and hooked your hands behind your back, sticking out your chest a little as you began to teeter back and forth on the tips of your toes.

"(Y/N)!" A gruff voice boomed, causing you to flinch with worry at the sudden boom of the voice. When you turned to see it was just Sheriff, his arms tightly around the arm of a handcuffed McQueen, you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Geez, Sheriff!" You exclaimed in relief. "No need to up and scare me like that!"

He simply chuckled. "Sorry! Can't help it." As he began to unlock McQueen's handcuffs, he asked, "Where's Mater at?"

You groaned. "Still inside. Can I holler for him now?"

"No, no!" Sheriff raised his hands in defense. "I'll go pull him out here myself!" With a smirk, he turned to McQueen and spoke just low enough for you to hear, "Don't ever keep her waitin'! She's got a loud voice, that one."

"I heard that!" You huffed, crossing your arms back over your chest once more.

McQueen smirked back at Sheriff, chiming in with a jab of his own. "Oh, trust me, I'm well aware."

Your eyes narrowed, glaring at the racer. "You're one to talk."

"Alright, alright. No need to go gettin' all riled up." Sheriff laughed. "Keep an eye on the delinquent, will ya? I'm gonna fetch Mater."

Before he could even take a single step, however, a very wild and rambunctious Mater came flying out of his shack. Door slamming open with such a powerful crash, you swore the rickety thing probably blew off a hinge. He rushed over, hyperventilating with excitement and practically jumping in place. "Ooh, ooh! We all ready to go?" He then started to laugh, "Boy, wait till' you guys see what I got in store for ya!"

You looked at Sheriff with a pleading look, trying to get him to change his mind so that you didn't have to be dragged along with Mater's shenanigans. The old man simply dismissed you with an innocent grin. He pulled out a set of car keys, McQueen's keys to be exact, and began to twirl them around his finger by the key ring. "Well, you kids have fun now. But not too much fun, understand?" When the three of you nodded in response, he said, "Good. Now, I got a car to take in."

"Oh, Sheriff, wait!" You jogged over to him when he began to walk away. You began to whisper something in his ear, so ever quiet that Mater and McQueen wouldn't be able to hear you. The two young boys shared a look with each other, curious as to what was so secretive.

Human!Lightning McQueen x Reader (Title TBD)Where stories live. Discover now