The Tie-Breaker Race

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"Guys, you're here!" McQueen exclaimed happily with a huge beaming smile on his face. "I can't believe this!"

Doc smiled and waved out at McQueen as he continued to race by. "I knew you needed a crew chief, but I didn't know it was this bad."

"But I thought you said you'd never come back?"

"Well," Doc sighed, "I didn't really have a choice. For starters, Mater didn't get to say goodbye-"

Doc barely finished getting the words out of his mouth when Mater leaned over right next to Doc's face and yelled into the mic, "Goodbye!" Doc was unfazed by Mater's antics, you all were at this point, really, and Doc couldn't help the grin that rose to his face as he chuckled. "Okay, I'm good!"

McQueen's laughter came through loud and clear.

"But that's not the biggest reason." Doc began, now turning his head to look at you. "Someone else told me they really really wanted to see a real race...and see you again." You smiled graciously at Doc, a small blush rising to your cheeks.

"Thanks, Doc." McQueen said softly. "I really appreciate all this. I'm coming in now!"

You and Mater, together, held out the pit sign to help flag McQueen as to exactly where he should stop. His car came rolling down the pit stretch, coming to a but of a rough stop. Everyone stayed behind the pit barriers but all gathered as close to the edge as they could to show their support for their rookie. McQueen leaned out his window to get a better look at everyone.

"Alright," Doc began sternly, "if you can drive as good as you fix a road, then you can win this race with you eyes shut!" McQueen gave a determined nod in response. "Now, get back out there!"

"But, wait a minute!" McQueen stammered. He eagerly looked at you and began to try talking to you, but you quickly cut him off.

"What're you doing!?" You asked, appalled and unafraid to hide the bewildered smile on your face. "You've got a race to win! Hurry up and get back on the track!"


"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Now, go!" You blew the rookie a kiss and gave a flirtatious wink, one that brought a look of shock to his now pink face. The shock and embarrassment quickly faded though and was replaced by a look of sheer upmost conviction and determination. With a wave to you and the gang, he began to head out to the track.

"Hot snot, we are back in business!" Doc cheered as he watched the rookie veer off the pit stretch and out of sight. "Guido! Luigi!" He barked, causing the two to come to his side. "You're goin' up against professional pit crews, boys, you're gonna have to be fast!"

"They won't know what hit them!" Luigi cheered.

Returning to his headset and grabbing the mic, holding it just a tad closer to his mouth, you heard Doc tell McQueen, "Kid, you can beat these guys. Find a groove that works for you and get that lap back!" Still watching the live footage of the race on the screen overhead, you saw McQueen immediately begin to pick up speed at Doc's encouragement.

However, you began to hear a jumble of murmurs and whispers around you, and they only got louder and more frequent. You took notice, curious and somewhat nervous as to what the commotion was about, and you noticed that everyone's eyes were now on Doc, even the entirety of both The King's and Chick's crews.

The voice of Bob Cutlass over the loudspeakers caught your attention. "Darrell, it appears McQueen has got himself a pit crew and look who he has for a crew chief!" Looking back at the screen, you noticed all cameras were now focused right on Doc as he continued to remain unaware, far too focused on the race at hand. Even when the speedway erupted into deafening cheers and whistles, he remained unbothered. Stoic and simple as always. "Wow! Thats history in the making! Nobody has seen the racing legend in over fifty years!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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