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Liked  by taylorzakharperez and 876 others

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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 876 others

jemmagal night out with elliebamber_ and rachelonacloudyday

elliebamber_ beautiful

^ jemmagal thanks gorgeous

user11 so jealous, I envy her life right now

^ user66 she's living her best life

rachelonacloudyday that contagious smile

nicholasgalitzine beautiful best friend

    ^ jemmagal thank you Nicholas

userwhoisshort taylor liked the post, i repeat, Taylor liked the post

^ user66 and?

^ userwhoisshort secretly dating?

^ user66 or just a friend complimenting a friend

^ jemmagal exactly, thank you user66

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 Liked by elliebamber_ and 763 others

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Liked by elliebamber_ and 763 others

jemmagal this is what happens when you ask your best friend to take pictures of you, they end up being blurry... all of them

📸 nicholasgalitzine

nicholasgalitzine at least we had fun, sorry about that

^ jemmagal thank you for spending your day off with me

^ nicholasgalitzine my pleasure, it felt really good to get away from the city for a day

taylorzakharperez i would have taken better pictures

^ nicholasgalitzine seriously mate, no you would have not

^ taylorzakharperez you wanna bet

^ nicholasgalitzine game on Perez, game on

^ jemmagal are you guys serious... how old are you, 5? stop acting like children 🙄

elliebamber_ this is so embarrassing, guys

rachelonacloudyday typical male behavior

^ jemmagal just let them embarrassed themselves, i'm out for this one, this is between them

user66 can't wait to see taylor picture of jemma

userwhoisbritish some bro rivalry

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