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jemmagal flying away, first stop ❓

nicholasgalitzine stay safe and call me when you land

^ jemmagal don't worry, I will

^ nicholasgalitzine call me as much as you can and send me pictures of your travel

^ jemmagal of course

taylorzakharperez have a good trip and safe travels. take care of yourself

^ jemmagal thank you Taylor

    ^ taylorzakharperez I miss you, you know. I miss our adventures around the UK

^ jemmagal I miss you too Taylor, I promise you I am coming to LA soon

^ taylorzakharperez I am glad to hear that

userwhohaspinkhair he is definitely in love with her

^ user66 100% in love with her

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Liked by nicholasgalitzine, elliebamber_  and 45k others

jemmagal reunited with this beautiful soul rachelonacloudyday

rachelonacloudy i am so happy you are here in Baltimore

^ jemmagal happy to be here, i missed you girl

^ rachelonacloudyday  i missed you too

nicholasgalitzine thank you for letting me know you are ok. call your mom, she keeps bothering me for some news about you

^ jemmagal shit I forgot to call her, thanks. miss you

^ nicholasgalitzine see you soon

^ jemmagal euh... I am actually staying here for a few more weeks. I have other plans

^ nicholasgalitzine really? well, stay safe out there and don't forget the condoms

^ jemmagal NICHOLAS

    ^ nicholasgalitzine 😂

user12 she's gonna go visit Taylor in California

userwhoisblond I can't wait for the Jemma and Taylor reunion

^ rachelonacloudyday you are not the only one

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