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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 92,3k others

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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 92,3k others

jemmagal i met Taylor's parents today, i was so nervous, you have no idea. I had no reason to, because they were so sweet and welcoming. your parents are the best taylorzakharperez

taylorzakharperez my mom adores you, she told me you were a ray of sunshine. you made a pretty good impression on them

    ^ jemmagal i am so glad to hear it

user66 meeting the parents, this is serious

    ^ jemmagal as a heart attack. he knows where i stand on casual relationships and it's not what i want. Taylor knows that i want him to let me go if he ever doubts his feelings for me. I don't ever want to be in a relationship where love is one-sided

userwhohasfreckles i love the beard, it looks really good on him

    ^ jemmagal it is absolutely sexy on him, but it's a bit scratchy on my face

user999 what did you guy see on Broadway

    ^ jemmagal shucked, it was excellent

user11 he looks like his mother

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