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Liked by  taylorzakharperez, reeontherun and 240k others

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Liked by taylorzakharperez, reeontherun and 240k others

jemmagal coachella week 1 with reeontherun + taylorzakharperez

user22 i'm so jealous, i wish i could go to coachella

user87 they had the time of their life

^ jemmagal we sure did

taylorzakharperez such an awesome weekend

^ jemmagal liked that comment

reeontherun chaotic weekend, coachella was lit

    ^ jemmagal it sure was

jemmagal why were you pointing at me sir taylorzakharperez

^ taylorzakharperez because it's you

^ jemmagal it's me what

^ taylorzakharperez because it's you

^ jemmagal taylor are you drunk

^ taylorzakharperez maybe... okay yeah

^ jemmagal oh my god 🤦🏻‍♀️

rachelonacloudyday i sense a lot of alcohol was consumed during this event

^ jemmagal you have no idea...

^ jemmagal small PSA : drink responsibly guys

userinbritain this looked so dope

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Liked by jemmagal and 184k others

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Liked by jemmagal and 184k others

reeontherun sleeping beauty and her prince charming

jemmagal maria, why?

    ^ reeontherun you guys looked cute and cozy, i had to take a photo

    ^ jemmagal 🫣

taylorzakharperez didn't realize my hand was straight on your ass jemmagal

^ jemmagal you can grab it whenever you want

nicholasgalitzine TMI, guys, please for the love of god

^ jemmagal you're just jealous you are not getting any

^ nicholasgalitzine fuck off jemma

^ jemmagal 🤬

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