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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 15,5k others

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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 15,5k others

jemmagal we found a waterfall and he decided to just jump in. You don't have to thank me for this shirtless picture of taylor. You're welcome

taylorzakharperez i thought the final destination would be the best, but this place was awesome

    ^ jemmagal it sure was. thank you for another amazing day

    ^ taylorzakharperez  you're welcome beautiful

user66 damn

    ^ jemmagal yes, you can say that haha

user55 lucky girl, totally jealous of her friendship with Taylor

    ^ jemmagal you don't have to tell me, i know I am lucky

user88 so handsome

    ^ jemmagal he is, isn't he?

nicholasgalitzine i think you forgot something before you left this morning

    ^ jemmagal and what is that?

    ^ nicholasgalitzine me

    ^ jemmagal i don't think so, no

    ^ nicholasgalitzine come on, jemma. we need to do something soon

    ^ jemmagal soon, i promise

rachelonacloudyday who knew all of that was hidden under a simple t-shirt

    ^ jemmagal yeah, who knew haha

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Liked by jemmagal, taylorzakharperez and 450k others

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Liked by jemmagal, taylorzakharperez and 450k others

nicholasgalitzine spent a wonderful day with jemmagal even though she was on her phone most of the time, I had to take it away from her

jemmagal i was making some important calls Nicholas and you interrupted a call with my mother in this picture

    ^ nicholasgalitzine I said I was sorry, I even called her to apologize

    ^ jemmagal you better have and I bet she was pissed with you

    ^ nicholasgalitzine you have no idea

    ^ jemmagal that's what you deserved

userwhoisbrunette he would have all my attention, all day, every day

    ^ jemmagal trust me, you would get tired of him after some time 😝

    ^ userwhoisbrunette never

elliebamber_ cutie

rachelonacloudyday is that my jacket miss jemma

    ^ jemmagal yes. sorry about that, I'll give it back to you, I promise

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